Differential Equation - Fanyu Zhao

Key Facts

1. Properties


1.1 Order

The Order of derivatives is as n below.

y(n)=dn yd xn

1.2 Degree

The Power of the derivative is called Degree.

(y(n))r=(dn yd xn)r

Note that: y(0)zeroth derivative of y is y itself.

1.3 Linear - ODE

ODE is considered to be a differential equation with a degree of one. The power of any y Is one, or says r=1.

1.4 IVP & BVP

By solving the D.E., we normally get the general solution, G.S, the general solution is with constant term,C. To specify the solution, we need to plug in specific value into D.E., and calculate "C".

Initial Value Problems

In this case, the specific values are given at a certain point of "x". For example,


We got value for different order of derivatives of y, at x=x0.

Boundary Value Problems

In this case, values are given at different points of "x". For example,


2. First Order Ordinary Differential Equations ODE

General form:

2.1 Missing One Variable
Case 1. y is missing
y=f(x)dydx=f(x)dy=f(x) dxdy=f(x)dxso,  y=f(x)dx+C
Case 2. x is missing
y=f(y)dydx=f(y)1f(y)dy=dx1f(y)dy=dxso,  x=1f(y)dy+c
2.2 Variable Separable

"x" and "y" are separable, we can follow the same steps .

dydx=g(x)h(y)1h(y)dy=g(x) dx1h(y)dy=g(x) dx1h(y)dy=g(x) dx+C


Rationale: If "x" and "y" are separable, we move all "y" and "dy" into one side, and all "x" and "dx" into the other side.

2.3 Linear Equations

How to solve it? We left multiply an Integrating Factor, R(x).

R(x)[ y+P(x)y ]=ddx(R(x)y)=R(x)Q(x)

To find the I.F., R(x) needs to satisfy,


So, we need


Therefore, our problem becomes,

ddx(R(x)y)=R(x)Q(x)ddx(R(x)y) dx=R(x)Q(x) dxR(x)y=R(x)Q(x) dx+C

The satisfied I.F., is,

R(x)=eP(x) dx=exp(P(x) dx)

The takeaway is, by left multiplying R(x)=exp(P(x) dx) From both side of the equation, we could then easily solve the D.E., and the answer is the following,

R(x)y=R(x)Q(x) dx+Cy=R(x)Q(x) dxR(x)+CR(x)

3 Second Order ODE

General form:


P.S. we may find later that the number of arbitrary constant "C" in the solution is equal to the highest order of derivatives.

3.1 Simplest Cases
Case 1. y,y are missing

Easiest one, integrate it twice.

Case 2. Only "y" is missing

All "y"s in this equation are in derivatives of none zero.

We try to reduce the order of derivatives by letting P=y, so dPdx=y.


, then the problem would become the first order one. Integrate P later to get the G.S. for this D.E.

Case 3. y and x are missing

Similarly, we try to reduce the order of derivatives, by assume p=y.

Case 4. "x" is missing

We do the same, by replacing p=y,


The problem would then become the first order O.D.E.

4. Linear ODE

General form,


We then transform the equation,

L - Linear Differential Operator of Order "n"

We apply the notation:

Dddx,Drdrdxr,so Drydrydxr
L=anDn+an1Dn1+...+a1D+a0L y=g

G.S. of Ly=g is given by


, where yc - Complimentary Function; & yp - Particular Integral (or Particular Solution).

yc  Ly=0yp  Ly=g}G.S.y=yc+yp
4.1 Homogenous - Auxiliary Equation A.E.
L y=0=g

g(x)=0,x,L y=0 is said to be homogeneous.


For example, for a second order D.E.


We assume the solution is in the form of y=eλx, and plug it back to our D.E.




λs would be the solution of D.E. λ=b±b24ac2a

Clearly, b24ac would affects the form of solutions.

Therefore, in a "n" order case, we would apply the similar reasoning.


For example,


So, roots are: 0, 0, 0, 0, (for the quadratic lambda), ±5 For the second part. The G.S. is then,

4.2 Non-homogeneous Case

G.S. is


The first term of the RHS is the G.E. in homogeneous case while denote g(x)=0,so Ly=0.

The second term of RHS is the specific solution of our D.E. The way of calculating it is called "Guesswork".

There are three cases we may encounter:

  1. Polynomial in x, g(x)=p0+p1x+...+pmxm
  2. Exponential, g(x)=Cekx. P.S. "k" is not a root of A.E., otherwise g(x)=Cxekx.
  3. Trigonometric terms, g(x) Has a form sin ax, or cos ax.

For example, g(x)=e^x


We guess the solution Ly=g is yp=Ce5x and solve for the unknown "C". (Why we assume in this form is that e5x in the original D.E. is super difficult to get, so we assume it here.) We plug yp back to our D.E. and find "C".


Our G.E. of this problem would be,


For example, g(x)=x^2


G.S., yc=Aex+Be2x

Assume yp=p0+p1x+p2x2, substitute into D.E. could solve that p0=7/4,p1=3/2,p2=1/2

So our G.S. would be,


Failure Case Example,


yc=Ae2x+Be3x, and then we are trying to find yp by assuming yp=Ce2x Would be impossible, because answers are folded. Let's see,


Impossible to get a solution. We need to assume yp=Cxekx Instead.

5. Linear ODE with Variable Coefficients - Euler Equation

Cauchy-Euler Equation form:


Each derivative terms is consisted with the derivatives multiplied by the same power "x", where the order of derivatives is same as the power of "x".

G.S. is y=yc+yp as well.

5.1 Homogeneous Part


Denote g(x)=0 firstly, and assume y=xλ. Plug it back to the homogeneous D.E.


Since xλ0, we need aλ2+(βa)λ+c=0, to be the root.

5.2 Reduce to Constant Coefficient

Simplify the problem,

x2yxy+y=ln x

Let x=et, so t=ln x, by the chain rule,


The Euler Equation would then become,


By Fanyu Zhao