A bit about Stochastic Calculus

Itô's Integrals

(Ω,F,P,Ft[0,T]). Each represents outcomes, information, probability, and a set of information until T.

The Itô's Integral is,

ItΔItôsIntegral=0TΔt dWt

πn={0=t0,t1,...,tn=T}. We evenly partition the time duration. (There are "n" periods, from 0 to n-1)


Thus the integral could be understood in a discrete way,

ItΔ=0TΔt dWt=limni=0n1integralΔti(n) partitionΔ(Wti+1Wti)dWt

The limit exists if Δt:

  1. Adapted to {Ft}t[0,T].
  2. Squared - Integrable in L2 Space. E[0TΔt2dt]1/2<, so ΔtLT2,LT2L2([0,T],Ω)

General Itô's Process

A stochastic process, I:[0,T]×ΩR

It=I0+0tμu du Riemann Integral+0tσu dWu Itô’ Integral

The Riemann Integral is the ordinal integral we normally used, and that term is the Drift Term. The last term is the stochastic/ diffusion term. P.S. σL2

One Example of an Itô's Process


, where the first term in RHS is a drift and the second is a stochastic term.

For that GBM, we could take an integration.


We consider a financial contract Ct=f(St,t). For example, that contract could be a call option, then St is the underlying assets' price of that contract.

Since St follows a stochastic process, Ct must also follow a stochastic process but is a bit different.


Taking a Taylor Expansion as dt is very small,

(1)df(St)=fStdSt+122fSt2(dSt)2+O(dSt)3drop it

Or in Partial Differential Equation (PDE),

(2)df(St,t)=ftdt+fStdSt+122fSt2(dSt)2+O(dSt)3drop it

As dt0, the followings terms would go to zero even faster. So we drop them.

  1. (dt)k0 for k>1.
  2. dt dW0.
  3. (dW)k0 for k>3.

However, the following three terms would be kept.

  1. dt
  2. dW
  3. dt(dW)2

There are some intuitions by Paul Willmot

We shouldn’t really think of dX^2 as being the square of a single Normally distributed random variable, mean zero, variance dt. No, we should think of it as the sum of squares of lots and lots (an infinite number) of independent and identically distributed Normal variables, each one having mean zero and a very, very small (infinite small) variance. What happens when you add together lots of i.i.d. variables? In this case we get a quantity with a mean of dt and a variance which goes rapidly to zero as the ‘lots’ approach ‘infinity.’

Why we emphasis the 6th term? Because it's useful in calculating df(St).

We could square dSt first,



In the RHS, the first term and the second term vanish, as 1&2, there are squared dt and cross term dt dW. Only the last term is left. Thus we get,

(4)(dSt)2=(σStdWt)2=σ2St2(dWt)2=σ2St2 dt

Plug (3) & (4) into (2), we get,

df(St,t)=ftdt+fStdSt+122fSt2(dSt)2=ftdt+fSt(μStdt+σStdWt)+122fSt2(σ2St2 dt)=(ft+fStμSt+122fSt2σ2St2) dt+fStσSt dWt

So we get,

(5)df(St)=(ft+fStμSt+122fSt2σ2St2) dt+fStσSt dWt


Plus them into (5) we would get,

(6)dln(St)=(μ12σ2)dt+σ dWt

We can also take integration.

0td(ln(Su))=0t(μ12σ2)du+0tσ dWu

ln(St)=ln(S0)+(μ12σ2)t+σ Wt

By Fanyu Zhao