Derivatives & Exchange



1. Covered Call Strategy (long Stock, short Call)

i.e. S=2000

As the covered call strategy is (long S, short Call)

Profit=(STS0)long S+Cmax(STK,0)Long Call

2. Protected Put (long Stock, long Put)


Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 12.54.26

Protected Put is a hedge, but is not a perfect hedge, because there is still the maximum loss part.

3. Collar (long Stock, long Put, short Call, options are all out-the-money OTM)


Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 13.05.19

P.S. Put-Call Parity

4. Vertical Arbitrage (different exercise price X/K)

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 13.32.52

P.S. 如果 options 是 out-of-money,那么是 期权费之差。如果 option 是 in-the-money, 那么还要考虑行权价格的差 + 期权费。总之,现推导。

5. Horizontal Arbitrage (different Expire Date)

6. Straddle

同买同卖 at the same strike price. Long straddle => long volatility

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.46.54

In Sum

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.52.13

Sell option <=> sell volatility, long option <=> expect vol

Long call <=> long bull

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.49.52


Delta of Option

Call: Δ[0,1]

Put: Δ[1,0]

Thus, both strategies are not delta neutral.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 13.17.35

Delta Hedging

Delta neutral hedging is a dynamic process



Gamma <- Dynamic Hedging

How delta change w.r.t. S. Lower the gamma, easily the delta hedging. Because delta is less affected.

Gamma is positive, as the curve convex.

Gamma is the maxima while option is at-the-money.

Vega <- w.r.t. volatility, Vega > 0

Theta <- w.r.t. time, Theta < 0

Rho < w.r.t. risk-free rate, >0 for call, <0 for put

Volatility Smile

Volatility Smile and Volatility Skew Smirk


  1. The Black-Sholes model assumes constant Volatility

  2. Empirically for foreign currency options, when at-the-money, implied volatility is lowest

    • 结论是:OTM 的 Option 的 implied vol 更大

    Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 20.47.28

  3. Equity Option, Skew (Smirk)

    • Reasons for the Smile in Equity Options

    1. Crashophbia 崩盘 market crash 可能,因为option就是用来应对危机的

    2. Leverage. As equity declines in value, company's leverage increases.

    3. Volatility Feedback Effect. 反身性,相当于 负向 accelerator

    Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 20.48.20

  4. 同样是 OTM ,put option 价格比 call option 贵。因为,put以上三个原因。所以Put Price 大,则 implied vol for Put 大。

    OTM Put 的 vol 低, OTM Call 的 vol 高. Buy OTM Call (underpriced) and sell OTM put (overpriced)

  5. Implied Volatility is compared with KS0 or KF0 (相当于去除量纲)

Risk Reversal

Term Structure of Volatility

Swaps, Forward, Futures

Manage Interest Rate Risks

Interest Rate Swap

Payer and Receiver 都指的是 对Float 的 pay / receive

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 22.47.14

Duration of the Swap

DpayerFloat=DFixDFloat, vice veresa

Market Value Risks and Cash Flow Risks


Dp duration, 利率变动 价格变多百分比

DDp=Dp×V dollar duration, 利率变动,价格变动多少元


DDp=DD1+DD2, coz Dp=w1D1+w2D2 multiply Vp from the both sides,


DDp=V1D1+V2D2, coz V1=w1Vp


如何通过 swap 达到目标 Durations.


Solution: by Dollar Duration 能相加

DDtarget=DDoriginal+DDswap expand it

DtargetVtarget=DoriginalVtarget+Dswap×Nswap (Notional value of the Swap)

因为在签订 swap 时, swap value = 0, 所以 Vtarget=Voriginal+Vswap=Vtarget+0

Finally, 所以




MVp×MDurp+Ns×MDurs=MVp×MDurt (MVt=MVp , 因为市场投资组合的价值 和加入swap的一样,swap在建立时value = 0)


Interest Rate Forwards (FRA)
Interest Rate Future (Euro-Dollar Future)

Euro Dollar Futures have fixed notional value and fixed term (, as it is standardised).


Fixed-Income Futures


Treasury-bond is the underlying asset, we do not use corporate bond as there is less liquidity and more credit risks.


There is a portfolio of T-bonds/bills for settlement. As the Fixed-Income Futures are standarised, they are traded in the exchange, and are settled daily. 标准化的future,有一个basket,交易所交割,可以 cash 可以实物交割

Basket 中的 bonds 有 CF (conversion factor) 用来调节 Basket 中不同 bonds 不同期限的rates等带来的差额, 和 Accured Interest 的差别

Clean + Accured Int = Dirty

Clean=Quoted Futures Settlement Priec×CF



Futures contract Sell has the right to choose the CTD (cheapest-to-delivered)


Market Yield v.s. Notional Yield
Basis Trading

Basis = S - F , in alternatives 为空头方的交割成本,basis converge to zero with time


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Fixed-Income Future Hedging

担心 interest rate 上涨, 带来 T-bond Price 下跌,同时 Fixed-Income Future 价格下跌,所以 Short Futures

Basis Point Value for Bonds ( BPV

P.S. recall, irrelevent with the other content

Hedge Ratio <- Number of Future Contract



负号不能丢,表示 hedge 与 underlying 的变动是相反的

Adjust Portfolio Duration


通过加入 N×BPVFuture 项,调将 portfolio 的久期调成 target 的数额

N is named BPVHR,根据上式,解出 BPVHR


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Manage Equity Risk


管理 Equity Risks 的方法 (1) Swap (2) Future and Forward <- adjust target portfolio beta & cash equitisation

Equity Swap

returns are from

  1. a single stock

  2. a basket equity (ETF)

  3. an equity index


Adjust Beta

Future price is quoted as: F=fQuoteFuturePrice×Multiplier (f is %, multiplier convert the F into $ amount)





Or =βTβpβfMVpF

Ff×Multiplier are $ amount

Cash Equilisation

make βp or βT as "0".

Using Derivatives to Alter Asset Allocation

如 Fund has 33.33% Bonds + 66.67% Equity, 想调整为 30% Bonds + 70% Equity。因为若fund很大,直接抛售等买卖会带来资产价格大幅变动。

为了避免价格波动,我们不直接买卖资产,而是买卖对应的 derivatives (futures and forwards),因为这样可以最小化对市场价格的影响

通过 Cash Position make β=0,for Stocks, BPV=0,for Bonds

所以此时,并不是直接 Sell bond,而是 make BPVT=0

不是直接 buy equity,而是 make β=0

Manage Currency Risks

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 20.09.06

本国US investor 要买 EU bond。进入Cross-currency Swap. (现金流结构相当于在期初 花USD 买了 USD bond,收EUR,发行EUR bond)

  1. 在inception期初 换本金 付出 USD principal 收到 EUR principal

  2. 在 periodic 期中, pay EUR interest, 收到 USD interest (有 basis)一般dealer在哪国就需要哪国的basis。如本国US,那么dealer也在US,那么investor收到的 USD interim interest 就会有 basis扣除,即为 dealer 挣的钱

  3. 在期末 换回本金。收到 USD,付出 EUR

Cross-currency basis: additional cost of borrowing dollar (most currencies show a negative basis against dollar) 即美元有加点


if USD (domestic) is strong, then receive basis

Cross-Currency Basis Swap 期初还两个币种的本,期末换回来

Swap the notional principals, 本金可以在beginning换,在ending换回来 but periodic interest payment could not be netted 期间的利息不换

Synthetic Borrowing 不换本金

No exchange the principals. Instead,

exchange CF in the future at fixed exchange rate

The amount of exchanged are based on the Exchange Rate and Interest Rate

Currency Forward and Futures

HR=Amount of Currency to be ExchangedFuture Contract Size


Sell EUR/USD 相当于卖USD

Manage Volatility Risks

VIX Futures


VIX and Equity returns are mostly negative correlated

P.S. Cost of Carry model does not work on VIX F=SX(1+rf)TCB+CC, because VIX spot is not able to be invested (VIX is an index, is calculated)

Variance Swap


Payoff of Variance Swaps is based on Variance rather than Volatility (s.d.).

No Exchange of Notional Principal and No interim Settlement periods

Swap 的双方为 σ2 and K2. 如果市场上实际的 variance, σ2>K2 the strike price squared.

那么 每份swap 的payoffσ2K2 相当于用K2σ2.

整个 swap 的 payoff 是,即 settlement amount = Nvariance×(σ2K2)

P.S. the payoff of variance swap is convex 即 var 增大带来的 payoff 提升 > 比 var 减少带来的 payoff 减少。投资者喜欢

Mark-to-Market (MtM) Value of Variance Swap

在swap中间某一点 Variance Swap 的 Value (既然是value,就要折现到 t=0)

盯市,因为 swap 在 beginning is made to be zero value,但是随着时间和市场变化(σ2 and K2 变化) swap开始有价值

MtM 指在 t 时间估计出来的,对到期日 var 的估计(加权平均)

Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 16.10.21

Expected Variance to Maturity=(σt2×tT)+(KTt2×TtT)


Inferring Market Expectation

Inferring Expectation of FOMC movesFed Funds Futures
Inferring Expectation of InflationCPI Swaps
Inferring Expectation of Futures VolatilityVIX Futures and Options

Currency Management

Currency Swap

Mark-to-Market Value

MtM 指在 currency swap 存续期,swap 的value (因为 initial 的时候 value = 0)

FX Swap 本质上是 forward 借新还旧

Effects of Currency on Portfolio


RHS 在外国投资的收益 * 汇率变动的收益


in a portfolio





RFC×RFX is o(R), so ignore it


Other Considerations

Strategic Currency Management

Active Currency Approach

Volatility Trader

Statement 1: “Given the current stability in financial markets, several traders at our firm take advantage of the fact that most options expire out-of-the money and therefore are net-short volatility.”Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trader. Speculative volatility traders often want to be net-short volatility, if they believe that market conditions will remains stable. The reason for this is that most options expire out-of-the money, and the option writer can then keep the option premium as a payment earned for accepting volatility risk. (Speculative volatility traders would want to be long volatility if they thought volatility was likely to increase.)
Statement 2: “Traders that want to minimize the impact of unanticipated price volatility are net-long volatility.”Statement 2 best describes the view of a hedger of volatility. Most hedgers are net-long volatility since they want to buy protection from unanticipated price volatility. Buying currency risk protection generally means a long option position. This can be thought of as paying an insurance premium for protection against exchange rate volatility.

Tactical Currency Management

Technical Analysis

Carry Trade


UIP states 如果F国的利率高,那么投资者会把钱存入F国挣高收益率。但是F国远期的汇率一定会降,去保证UIP holds

In sum, country with high rate of return would have forward discount 远期比现在低 , we invest in high return one, (, equivalent to invest in forward discount one)

Carry Trade can make money iff the UIP is violated 只有违背 UIP 才有 carry trade 赚钱的机会

1+rd=1+rfSF , where F or S is (df). Base Currency is the foreign currency, 我们主要以foreign currency 为参考,if F 提升,意味着 d > f,意味着外币升值



if FS>1+rd1+rf, FS(1+rf)>1+rd, then borrow rd as its is low cost, and invest in f. The arbitrage return would be FS(1+rf)(1+rd)

if FS<1+rd1+rf, SF(1+rd)>1+rf, then borrow rf as its is low cost, and invest in d, then the arbitarge return would be SF(1+rd)(1+rf),

remember always let F/S or S/F be in the larger side.

Returns from Carry Trade

However, in reality, high-yield countries often see their currencies appreciate, not depreciate, for extended periods of time. Reasoning:

  1. Capital Inflow

  2. yield difference

Forward Rate Bias & Carry Trade

Carry Trade 的逻辑,借入 r 小的,投资 r 大的,挣Δr

Volatility Trading

Straddle <- bet on volatility

By Delta Hedging, we can get a delta-neutral position. Straddle is a long call and a long put ATM.

Straddle is delta Neutral, because it is symmetric at the current stock price.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 13.02.53


Long Call and long put OTM, but as options are OTM, so lower premium 期权费便宜.

The Green Curve is Straddle, Yellow Curve is Strangle, in the below figure.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 13.05.09

Pros: lower premium fees

Cons: lower returns

However, strangle could have a trading position that has net Vega and delta exposures (可以被做成不是围绕 current stock price 中心对称的,如向左和向右平移通过调整 call & put 的 strike price,这样可以结合 traders 对涨和跌的 expectations)

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 13.13.10

Discontinue the Carry Trade 意味着 终止 Carry Trade

Tools for Currency Management

Assume d/f direct quote, the base is foreign currency. 我们担心外币贬值,所以产生一下策略

This is a trade-off between risk-averse and hedging frequency. 一般越risk averse 越需要full hedge,但是 full hedge 成本高,所以有时 cost-effecitve way 是 dynamic hedge

Forward / Future Contracts for Hedging

Static hedge -> 由于 value of foreign asset changes -> dynamic hedge

Roll hedge 的意思是:

Roll Yield / Roll Return =FSS

Over/Under Hedged

i.g. 在未来会收到 100 US Asset,then enter a forward contract 卖100 USD 换 CNY

如果 forward contract 是 卖 120 USD 换 CNY 那么 over hedged

如果 forward contract 是 卖 80 USD 换 CNY 那么 under hedged


Protective Put using OTM Options

Risk Reversal

Long put OTM, short call OTM ( the underlying asset is the currency )

may reduce the cost, as we short a option

Bear Put Spread

buy an OTM put and wrote a deeper OTM put with same maturity


one type: bear put spread position with a short call position

Exotic Options

Hedging Multiple Currencies & Emerging Market Currency Management

Emerging mkt 特点

基于上述两个原因 prob dist 不一样,导致很多ratio失效,VaR不准等 ratios are misleading

Short-term stability in emerging markets can give investors a false sense of overconfidence and thereby encourage over-positioning based on the illusion of normally distributed returns

Hedging Multiple Currencies

Emerging Mkt Currency Management

NDF Characteristics:

Hedging to Achieve the Target

Interest Rate Swap


Duration of floating-rate bond is about half of reset period

Bond Portfolio Duration Adjustment



MDurs is the modified duration of swap, MDurp is the current modified duration, MDurT is the target modified duration.

Eurodollar Futures


Time Horizon is set to be 90 days

Notional Value is set to be 1 million

Fixed-Income Future




Equity Future Beta


Short Summary

If the target is β=0 or MDurt=0 , then just set RHS of eq to be zero.

Variance Swap

Variance Notional=Vega Notional2×StrikePrice

Strike X is the expected future variance of the underlying, expressed as volatility (not variance)


Value of the Variance Swap

站在 t 时点,variance swap的价值是多少。在 t 时点, [0,t]已经过去了,所以可以算出来 realised vol。[t,T]未发生,所以 用 implied vol or fair strike


discount at 1+r×TtT
