Private Wealth Management


Private Clients v.s. Institutional Clients

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Personal Information (get to know) FIIICC




Financial Information

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Asset 不能 cover Liability 的方法

  1. 增加A:少消费,多存钱。cash & deposit accounts surplus

  2. 减少Lia:减少负债

  3. 增长率:资产的增长率 超过高 lia的 gA>gL

Tax Consideration

Client Goals

Risk Tolerance

Investment Planing

Evaluating Capital Sufficiency 判断投资是否能满足capital 需求

  1. Deterministic Forecast Method

    Assume a straight-line manner

    The process is simple, but the assumption is unrealistic

  2. Monte Carlo Simulation

    Assume probability distributions

    Get the percentage of trails by horizon in which client can achieve the object

Retirement Planning

IPS (Investment Policy Statement)

  1. Background and Investment Objectives (R, for Return)

    1. Clarify the objectives

      know the background Information, (name, age, personal financial info, etc). Retirement, family member etc

    2. the investment objectives should be detailed and quantified Priorities the Objectives Conduct Capacity sufficiency Analysis

    3. capital sufficiency analysis, revise the objective

    4. IPS should include the market value of the portfolio and of the accounts that make uo the portfolio (Taxable, TDA)

    5. any other investment assets (timberland)

    6. Any cash flows from external sources (trust / inheritance)

  2. Investment Parameters (RTTLLU, r for risks)

    1. RIsk Tolerance (willingness and ability)

    2. Investment Time Horizon, (might be a range not a number)

    3. Asset Class Preferences

    4. Other Investment Preference (ESG, or Legacy, endowment bias)

    5. Liquidity Preference

    6. Constraints

  3. Portfolio Asset Allocation (SAA, TAA)

    1. Strategic AA (long-term), define the target allocation and upper / lower bonds

    2. Tactic AA (short-term), class target ranges not specific percentage

  4. Portfolio Management (Discretionary or Passive)

    1. Discretionary 可以自主决策的百分比

    2. Reblancing 将当期情况,向 target 调整

    3. Tactical Changes 什么时候能偏离 SAA

    4. Implementation: investment vehicles

  5. Duties and Responsibilities

    1. wealth management responsibilities

    2. IPS review

  6. IPS Appendix (Simulation)

Portfolio Construction and Monitoring

Ethical and Compliance Consideration (不重要)

Private Client Segments 给个人投资者分类

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Tax Classes


Capital Gain Taxes

Tax Jurisdiction

Measurement (Calculation)

Three Accounts

三个阶段:放入,capital gain,取出

Tax Management Strategy

Tax avoidance strategy 整个就不交

Tax-Deferral Strategy

Tax-Efficiency Strategy

Tax-Aware Approaches to Planning

Asset Location

Rule of Thumb: 大原则,但是具体问题具体分析


Tax-efficient Decumulation Strategies for a Retirement Account

先取taxable account的钱,不达到 累进税率 progressive tax 的额度。退休后,没有工资收入时,再取 retirement account 的钱

Therefore, the rule of thumb, withdrawals from the taxable account first and allow the retirement account (TDA) to continue to compound.

Assets for Charitable Giving

Gifts: highly appreciated Equity 把有很多 capital gain 的捐出去,可以拿回捐赠发票,收到未来可以抵税的额度 tax deduction from the gift to remove future unrealised gain tax liability.

Tax avoidance 为合法避税, tax evasion 偷税 is illegal不合法

Selection of Investment Vehicle

  1. Partnership 合伙制企业,没有企业所得税,不用交企业税 (开办合伙制大企业,交个人税,不用交公司税。这样可以避免双重征税,先公司税后再个人税的问题)

    • tax liability is passed throught to partners

    • the fund is free of taxation

    • distribution is classified as capital gain

  2. Mutual Funds

    • Co-investors are influenced 所有人共同承担税务,因为赎回时,卖share 换钱,capital gain的部分将被税,所以shareholder都会被税

    • When new shareholders buy into the fund, they are also buying a share of the unrealised capital gains accrued in prior periods. 因为 fund manager的tax basis为最开始的price,所以中途买入的话,不管买入价是多少,tax basis都是最开始的值。

      所以最好买此前captial gain 升值少的 stocks

      赎回的时候,要卖股票还钱,之前的 capital gain实现了要交税。其他人想赎回导致所有人都要承担 capital gain 的tax

    • Potential Capital Gain Exposure

      measure of tax liability embededd in a mutual fund

      Capital Gain Distribution 是减项

      PCGE=Net G/LTotalNetAsset=gainsdistribtuionlossesstartPrice+(GDistribution)

      这ratio越低越好,因为越低意味着gain少,所以PCGE越小,tax efficiency越好

  3. ETFs 可以在二级市场交易,所以只有赎回的人被税,其他shareholder不受影响

    • very tax efficient

    • tax liabilities can be reduced or eliminated

  4. Separately-managed account (SMA)

    • Flexible tax management

    • tax situation can be tailored

    • realised G/L can be aggregated across client's all account

Tax Harvesting

realise a loss that can be used to offset gains or other income 用loss 的 stock 抵税

Tax Lot Accounting

track how much you paid when you bought it记录买入时的价格为 tax basis

The Tax Lot Method is for prioritising the realisation of G/L by

Quantitative Method

Set objective function to be used to minimize taxdrag and investment risk.

Manage Concentrated Position 管理过集中的投资


管理上市公司的股票 Publicly Equities ( concentrated position in low basis stock)

  1. Staged Diversification and Completion Portfolios

    • Sell and diversify

    • Staged diversification

    • Completion portfolio 卖一部分集中的,买 diversified equities

  2. Tax-Optimised Equity Strategies

    • Equity monetisation

      strategies to receive cash without an outright sale 把资产 以非卖出的形式变成钱

      • Two-Step Process 做monetisation的方法

        1. hedge a large portion of risks

          hedge 价格下跌的风险, short sale, future, forward, option, etc

          因为直接把stock 抵押,stock由于风险大,100value的stock只能抵押 50 的钱。所以要先hedge 一下降低风险再抵押

        2. Borrow against the hedged position 把hedge 过的 risk 降低的 position 用来抵押 borrow money

      • Advantages 见下

        • avoid triggering the capital gains tax,

        • be subject to restrictions from the sale of the stock,

        • not want to cede control of the voting rights, 不会失去原有stock的控制权、投票权 (Cede = give up)

        • want to keep the position but create short-term liquidity.

    • Other Tax Consideration

      • Constructive Sale: trigger a taxable event if risks of stocks are completely eliminated. 当stock 所有的 风险都被对冲,则“视同销售”constructive sale,那么也会触发 taxable event

      • Long-term gain with a lower gax rate

    • Tools if hedge that can avoid the constructive sale: 因为保留的一部分风险,所以可以避免被判定为constructive sale

      • Zero-Cost Collar 不同于 monetisation,这两种方法用衍生品

      • S + P - C

        • Pros: protects against downside risk

      • Cons: has a limited upward potential

      • Covered Call

      • substitute for staged selling

        • it can psychologically prepare investor to dispose of those shares

      • Additional: Call Option and Tax

      • call option can affect the taxasiton of the stock divididends

        • premiums received on the short call can be classified as captial gain

        • call premium would be taxed at higher short-term gain rate

  3. Tax-Free Exchanges

    • Exchange Funds 各公司创始人创建exchange fund,按比例在fund中换基金份额 pro rate(包含其他公司的股)达到diversified的目的.

      因为是拿 股票换股票,所以 no trigger taxable events

    • Cons: 要求入股的stocks存续7年以上,提前取出费用高

  4. Charitable Remainder Trust


    • Revocable Donation: 所有权还属于 donor/grantor,没有破产保护

    • Irrevocable donation, receive a tax deduction for the gift. 所有权不属于grantor,与本人隔离了

      • 有破产保护 bankruptcy protection

      • prevent liability claim

    • Without incurring a capital gain tax.

    • But beneficiary would own income tax for the income

管理过集中的 Private Equities /Private Business

Managing Concentrated Positions in Real Estate

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可以 maintain ownership 的话,的三种方法本质都是 抵押贷款 monetisation,其他方法 都有新的 owner 加入。

Estate Planning


Estate 财产传承规划,death后传给下一代,可以 death 死的时候给,也可以 lifetime 或者时候给

Objectives of Wealth Transfer

  1. Maintaining sufficient income and liquidity

  2. Decide the control

  3. asset protection, protect assets from creditor 债务保护

  4. Transferring assets in a tax-aware manner

    • Estate Tax: levied on the total value, tax before the distribtuions of beneficiaries 是死后对总资产先交,分配给个人后还要再交

    • Inheritance Tax: paid by each beneficiary 个人获得分配后自己再交

    • Generation-skipping tax 直接交给孙子一次性的tax,比先交给儿子后儿子再交给孙子分阶段的多。保证整个过程给到孙子的时候都是tax一样的

  5. Preservation of Family Wealth

  6. Business Succession

  7. Achieve Charitable Goals

Will and Probate

  1. Will (or Testament) 遗嘱

  2. Testator 立遗嘱的人 is the person who authored the will and whose property is disposed of accourding the will.

  3. Probate: Inteste 无设置遗嘱,那么会进行 Probate (遗嘱认证) 流程,即为法院判定 legal process。流程长,费用高。

    • 避免 Probate 的方法

      1. Joint Ownership 在房产证上jointly 写父子的名字

      2. Living Trust,在生前作为 grantor 给 trust 钱做 probate

      3. retirement plan 在养老金计划中写其他受益人

      4. life insurance 理赔给 beneficiary。理赔部分不需要税,且不走 probate程序

      5. Lifetime gifts 在活着的时候 lifetime of donor

Estate Tax 遗产税的计算

Lifetime Gift v.s. Bequest

活着给叫 lifetime gift 税低一点,但是不确定要给多少。死了给叫 bequest 税高

Estate Planning Tools

  1. Trust

    Grantor 富B 把钱给 Trustee 管理者 把收益给 Beneficiary

    • Revocable Trust & Irrevocable (A B 之间隔离) 可以跟grantor隔离preotect assets from claim

    • Fixed Trust & Discretionary (B C 之间隔离) 有trustee自由决定给受益人多少钱不由beneficiary决定,跟beneficiary隔离

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    • 信托的作用:

      1. Control. make resources available to beneficiaries without yielding complete control

      2. Asset Protection.

        • irrevocable trucst can protect assets from claims against the settlor

        • discretionary trust can protect assets from claims against the beneficiaries

        • ownership of family business does not get diluted

        • be used to avoid probate

      3. Tax-related Considerations.

  2. Foundation 机构投资者章节会着重讲

    Private foundations may be required to make certain minimum annual distributions. 政府为了防止逃税,要求foundation每年必须distribute的额度


    • Income Tax Deduction

    • Favorable Tax Treatment of Investment Returns 在fundation里的钱也不investment return tax

    • Protection of Assets from Estate Tax 在fundation里的钱已经不是遗产了

  3. Life Insurance 保寿险 按约定的 cover 付给 beneficiary

    • 一部分钱用于买保险,就不是estate了

    • 由于 death benefit 人都死了, so tax exempt

    • Life Insurance 可以和 Trust 结合 transfer assets to the beneficiaryes outside of the probate process 可以跳过 probate过程(税高),通过 trust 和寿险的方式把钱给 beneficiary

  4. Companies (Controlled Foreign Corporation, CFC) 海外控股公司(开曼群岛)

    不能不交税,但是可以把 tax defer 把税递延

Across Multiple Generation 隔代转移 Family Governance

  1. General Principles of Family Governance 家族治理 定规矩

  2. Family Conflict Resolution 防止家族冲突,规定家族规定 family constitution,通过写入有法律约束力的家族文件中,违反就不给钱,而制定 legally binding

  3. Family Dynamics in the Context of Business Exit

Individual Lifetime

Holistic Balance Sheet

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Traditional v.s. Economic Balance Sheet

Human Capital & Financial Capital

让 Human Capital 和 Financial Capital uncorrelated 可以分散风险


Financial Stages of Life for an Individual

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Risk Management Strategy

Individual Risk Exposures

Life Insurance 寿险 死了才给

Life Insurance 算作 Human Capital,用于防止 Human Capital 的 risks

  1. hedge risks of premature deathe 防止死太早

  2. estate-planning tool 用于estate 遗产的planning

Basic Elements

Type of Life Insurance



Net Premium = Gross Premium - 总收益

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Surrender Cost Index, see eco-system

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Other Insurance

Annuity 活着才给

年轻时候买,用来老了退休了收到 annuity payment

2 * 2 + 1 Deferred/Immediate * Fixed/Variable + ALDA

Deferred & Immediate * Fixed & Variable 两两组合,一共四种结果

variable 指的是 diversified menu of potential investment options,可以调整 payment

Defer 指的是 退休时候才返钱,immediate指的是立刻返钱

Fixed 指的是 fixed annuity locks the annuitant into a portfolio of bond-like assets at whatever rate of return exists at the time of purchase

Implementation of Risk Managament

Loss CharacteristicsHigh FrequencyLow Frequency
High SeverityRisk Avoidance 别做Risk Transfer 买保险 如飞机失事
Low SeverityRisk Reduction 系安全带Risk Retention 保留

A risk with the loss characteristics of high frequency of occurrence and low severity of loss, such as dental cavities, is best managed through risk reduction—for example, through proper dental hygiene.

A risk with the loss characteristics of low frequency of occurrence and high severity of loss, such as an earthquake that destroys your home, is best managed through risk transfer. 买保险 transfer 给保险公司

A risk with the loss characteristics of low frequency of occurrence and low severity of loss is best managed through risk retention, such as not purchasing an extended warranty on an infrequently used and relatively inexpensive item.

所以保险,包括 life insurance,都是 risk transfer

Human Capital

Others Sample Text

About Private Wealth Manager

About Retirement Income Goal


Parts of IPS

  1. Background and Investment Objectives

    PV -> CF, Tax -> FV


  1. Investment Parameters 区分 什么能投什么不能投

    Risk, Time, Liquidity, Unique, Constraints


  1. SAA TAA

  2. Portfolio Management 在构建和管理 portfolio 时的过程

    1. D 判断是否是 discretionary

    2. R 判断 rebalanced 的方法

    3. Tactical Changes 判断 the degree that FM is permitted to go outside the range of SAA 即 TAA 超出 SAA 的部分

    4. I 如何实施,买ETFs 还是 mutual fund,要不要雇人,investment vehicle 等


  1. Duities and Responsibilities 说明 FM 的职责,IPS 的频次等 此部分为固定内容

  2. Appendix


Evaluatng the Success of an Investment Program 如何评价投资的好坏

  1. 是否实现 goals

  2. 投资过程是否 consistent,(是否可持续)见下details

  3. Portfolio Performance : absolute or relative metrics

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