
1. 经济增长

自微观至宏观的结构。微观层面,公司的资产价值增长或公司的利润增长,而某行业内多个公司总值或均值的增长带来了行业的增长。同理,行业引申至宏观经济体。本质上是weighted average,而意识上是 多个个体增长 带来整体 增长。逻辑简单。

同时,在经济扩张阶段,企业对loanable fund的需求增加反映在财务上往往是负债增加。企业若需继续扩展则 负债增加带来的风险 需要被 企业增长的预期带来的预期收益冲抵,因为如此,理性投资者才原因承担更高的风险。

P.S. Considering the interest rate and saving, lower real interest rates motivate individuals to consume more and save less. Greater consumption enhances capital/money transferring in the whole economy. We may say that a lower interest rate can not just stimulate the economy in a positive way through increase the desire for investment and consumption, but also smooth the economy by pooling liquidity into the market.

2. 宏观经济体之间

假设两个经济体,A和C。C的经济增长快,市场中对goods, services, factors, labours等各方面的需求高,同时对money的需求高。对 money 的高需求,带来了高成本 – higher interest rate。而A增长相对少,甚至Central Bank需要主动采取措施给降低interest rate来降低loanable fund 的成本,刺激需求。


Under Globalization, money flows across countries with low fees and less regulation. Without considering others, money would flow into the market with a higher interest rate, pursuing higher returns. However, sovereign risks, frictions, regulations, etc, would block that path.

继续之前的例子, C国利率高,money流入C国,对于C国currency的需求大,currency appreciates。C国货币升值后,A国再进口C国商品物料或投资的成本变高。对C国货币的需求又会相对减少。Overall, a Dynamic Equilibrium occurred.


3. 加息的传导渠道


