Insights about US Deficits and the Impact on Bond Yields


  • Trump Administration is widely seen as likely to increase or maintain high fiscal deficits.

  • To assess the impact of large deficits on yields, it is important to look at the total debt in the economy,
    not just government debt.

    What matters for markets and the economy is how much collective new credit is being created, and the incentive and desire of investors to buy it.

  • Debt Supply & Demand amount would flow to Rate. If government spending increases, then it means debt supply increases (there would be more borrowing), pushing up rate to increase.

    High Borrowing -> High Rate -> Depressed the private borrowing.

    Low/Normal level of credit creation would otherwise drive down inflation.

Two Cases:

  • Bad Scenario: Push up Inflation.

    Total Debt/GDP increase (private and public debt / GDP) increase && Currency Weaken. Then Yield Curve would steepen, derived by long term rate increase, as nobody purchase the long term bond.

    Think about a graph with x-axis (term), y-axis (yield), and a upward sloping curve.

    Yield curve steepens.

  • Good Scenario (now the US situation): Do not drive up Inflation

    Under this case, no buyers are buying the long-term debts.

    Total Debt/GDP increases, but yield curve is flat. Public squeezes private investment. The increase in public debt does not increase private borrowing, so no extra purchasing resulted from households. Help relieve the inflation.

    Yield curve flattens.

  • Example:


    Now is the Good Scenario: The top-left figure shows the current credit creation in US is under normal level. Top-right figure shows that Public and Private debts are negative correlated. Public squeezes private, so total debt did not get up too much high.

    1980s: Top-left figure shows total debts went high; Top-right figure shows public and private were positively correlated. So, bottom-left figure shows inflation hikes.

    Bottom-right figure shows implicitly that the current long minus short term rate is at low level, imply that the yield curve is flat, consistent with our Good/Bad Scenario Rationale.

Supply & Supply Side of Debts

  • Supply Side: Currently, there are high public borrowing, and low private borrowing.

  • Demand Side:

    Due to previous QE, Debt yield is high for investors => that would be attractive to un-levered investors, because Debts still bring enough return and less risks, attractive to people.

    However, the levered investors fact different situation. As they hold debts already, high debt rate would become both their costs and returns.

  • The current real yield is about 2% in US, which is high relative to much of the rest of developed world. US nominal yields are at levels where the yield is attractive and diversifying relative to stocks allocation for those who need to supplement debts into their portfolio.


Again, the current yield curve is flat. For leveraged investors, they have debts liability already. Returns and Costs of debts offset.



Our Thoughts on Large US Deficits and Their Impact on Bond Yields

Market Timing

Allocating assets into different asset classes may depend on the (1) risk aversion, (2) time horizon, (3) tax status. And the (4) market timing also matters.


In other words, sensing the market timing would help you

  • allocate assets into different asset classes such as debts, equity;
  • be out of the market in the bad months, and get into the mkt in the good period.

Cost of Market Timing

  • Out at the wrong time. Miss the opportunity of growth, i.e..
  • Transaction Costs
  • Taxes

Market Timing Approaches

Non-financial indicators
  1. Spurious indicators that may seem to be correlated with the market but have no rational basis.
    • Though there is no reasoning, there may still have some statistical pattern. Do not ignore it.
    • Those indicators give a sense of direction.
  • Feel good indicators that measure how happy investors are feeling – presumably, happier individuals will bid up higher stock prices.
    • The problem is that those indicators provide contemporaneous or lagging status of the market, may lack of predictability compared with the leading indicators.
  • Hype indicators.
    • Still the contemporaneous problem. Those factors tell the correlation right now, but do not have predictive power.
    • Also, the abnormality can be tricky when the environment is shifting.
  • Technical indicators, such as price charts and trading volume.
    • Past prices (such as price reversals or momentum, January Indicator)

    Hard to say the momentum or the reversal could stay for years.

    • Trading Volume & Money Flow

    • Price increases that occur without much trading volume are viewed as less likely to carry over.

    • And, very heavy trading volume can also indicate the turning points in the markets.
    • The money flow is the difference between uptick volume and downtick volume. People find there are some predictability for longer periods, in that the equity markets overall show momentum.

    • Market Volatility

    • Empirical research finds some evidence between the volatility change and returns.

    • See the blue bar: In periods that volatility increase and the market return goes down. After that period, the market is predicted to be like volatility increase and market return goes up.

    • Purple bar: in periods of volatility decrease and market return increase, the following period may have less volatility decrease and still returns.


    • Other price and sentiment indicators

    • Chart Patterns: supports and resistance lines are used to determine when to move in and out of individual stocks.

    • Sentiment indicators: measure the mood of the market.
    • Trader sentiments
Mean Reversion indicators, where stocks and bonds are viewed as mis-priced if they trade outside what is viewed as a normal range.

That approach is based on the assumption that stock price would revert to the P/E, and debt return would revert back certain interest rate.

  • P/E (see figure below for the normal range of P/E ratio)

    If stock is above or below the normal P/E, then it is overvalued or undervalued. The median is around 16.

    The P/E might go abnormally high in recession, not only because (1) the stocks are overvalued, but also because (2) the earnings are dropped down during recession.


  • Rate performs similarly.

    \Delta Interest Rate_t = 0.0139 – 0.1456 InterestRate_{t-1}, where R^2=0.728. Coefficients are significant.

    The regression suggest two things:

    1. Change in interest rates in the period is negatively correlated with the level of rates at the end of each prior year.
    2. The speed shrinks. For every 1% increase in the level of current rate, the expected drop in interest rate in the next periods increases by 0.1456%.

Using the fundamentals to predict market timing is to focus on macroeconomic variables such as interest rate, inflation and GNP growth and devise investing rules based upon the levels or changes in macro economic variables.

Two keys of using this approach. (to build up the logic chain of prediction)

  1. Get handle how the market reacts as macro econ fundamentals change.
  2. Get good predictions of changes in macro econ fundamentals.
  • Macro economic variables, such as the level of interest rate or the state of the econ cycle.

    There are some common sense that the following changes would indicate the increase in stock price:

    1. Buy when Treasury bill rates are low, will end up with growth of stock price.
    2. Buy when Treasury bond rates have dropped, will end up with growth of stock price.
    3. Buy GNP growth is strong, will end up with growth of stock price.

    However, empirical evidence shows the other way. For example, the table below shows T-bill rate drops or increases could both contribute to the increase in Annual returns.


Valuing the Market

Just as you can value individual stocks with intrinsic valuation (DCF) models and relative valuation (multiples) models, you can value the market as well. If the valuation is faithful, you can reply on it to predict the market timing.

  • Intrinsic valuation that apply to the mkt. <- depends on assumptions and inputs.

    Use the S&P500 price and the index’s dividends to do the DCF.

    INPUTs: (1) S&P500 price, 1257.64 at 2011(2) Dividends and buyback on the index amount over previous year, 53.96 (3) expected earning growth for the following 5 years, 6.95% (4) expected growth of the economy (set as risk free rate) 3.29%, (5) treasury bond rate, plus the market risk premium (set it yourself) 5% to get the cost of equity 3.29%+5%=8.29%. Then, do the DCF


  • Relative Valuation <- value a market relative to other market, or across years.

  • Other methods, such as run regression on P/E to T-bill to find correlation.

Does the Market Timing Work?

  • Mutual Fund Managers: constantly try to time the markets by changing the amount of cash that they hold in the fund. If expected bullish, then cash balances decreases, vice versa.

    They call timing the market as Tactical Asset Allocation, TAA.

    See figure below, empirical evidence shows they do predict the market by changing the cash position.


  • Investment Newsletter: often take bullish or bearish view about the market.

    There is continuity on Newsletter way. Investment newsletters that give bad advice on market timing are more likely to continue to give bad advice than are newsletters that gave good advice to continue giving good advice. In other words, it depend on the writer’s ability.

  • Market strategists: make forecast for the overall market.

  • Professor Market Timers provide advice, however, their decision works for very short time, and only work for private clients.

Market Timing Strategies

  1. Adjust Asset Allocation: change across asset classes
  2. Switch Investment Styles: change within asset classes but different styles, such as from growth to value.
  3. Sector Rotation: with in asset classes, but different sector.
  4. Market Speculation.

Market Timing Instruments

  1. Futures Contracts
  2. Options Contracts
  3. ETFs

Implications and Insights

Overall, it’s good summary and a Beginner’s Tutorial, but not include technical implementation method, instruction, or philosophy.

Do provide some inspirations.




  • 上限:实体部门的投资回报率,ROIC (return on invested capital)。因为上市公司ROIC要超过债券的利率,企业才有可能借债,不然承担不了利息成本
    • 行业的负债水平与ROIC呈负相关,因为负债越高,投资回报率倾向于越低
    • 高负债行业对债券市场影响大,因为规模大。
  • 下限:刚性融资需求的利率水平,主要包括:城投 & 地产
    • 城投代表地方政府的隐性担保,相当于信用高,风险低,因此利率低。
    • 刚需融资需求萎缩,会拉低利率,因此利率下限降低


长短期利率脱钩,当前处于bull flat的情况

  • Bull Flat 意味着:长期利率降低,长期债价格上升,短期相对不变,整个收益率曲线goes flatter
  • Theoretically, 短端利率的波动大,且响应速度快。但当前短期利率没有明显变化,意味着市场对短期政策力度预期低,因此不投向短期。


  1. 方向(按照2025年利率上下限变动趋势来预测2025年利率的变动)


    下限:此前有刚性融资需求的城投债 & 地产拉跨,需求少,需要有新的刚性融资需求的部门增加才能推动利率下限上升。当前城投债预期也不提升,因为没有新的基建项目和空间,房地产也拉跨,因此没有需求。


  2. 空间

  • 当下房租(租金回报率)和按揭还款(融资成本)倒挂明显。未来有趋近的空间,因此有余地。

  • 假设明年CPI回到1.5%,PPI回到0%,用贷款利率减去CPI和PPI的均值为实际利率。用此实际利率与历史对比,也仅处于中性水平。画外音,明年CPI大概率回不到1.5%,可能更低,因此明年实际利率更高,无法刺激经济。所以还有更多的降息空间。

  • 此外,今年存贷款利率下调幅度多于货币市场资金成本(货币市场投资or理财收益更高),所以存款从银行表内向外转移。因为货币市场投资主要投向债等,这意味着短期债的收益高于存款利率,因此CB还有执行Open Market Operation,降息的空间。
  1. 节奏
  • 利率走势和很多宏观指标脱钩,因为宏观统计数据失真(高估),无法反应真实情况,而利率作为市场真正交易的产品,能更好的反映市场的真实情况,因此存在利率与其他指标脱钩的情况。

  • 目前,还有一个指标,企业信贷规模变化,与利率还有显著的相关性。因此可以通过推断企业信贷的供求端,即信贷供给&企业杠杆率,来推断利率变化的节奏。

  • 化债or信用的周期:第一阶段,通过密集的发行新债券,置换旧债券,拉动社融增速,因为有新债券发行,对资金需求高,短期利率推高;第二阶段,逐步偿还新债券,在债务偿还过程中,信贷会收缩,利率逐步下降;第三阶段,债还接近尾声期,信贷增速和杠杆率将降到低位,利率降至低点。后续才会重启宽信用的周期。




Be careful if they Talked the Talk, Walked the walk, disappointing the mkt and people again and again.


关于中国经济现在 – 付鹏在汇丰的报告




当前上述由增长转为分配的背景下,普通人需要做的是,参与到到分蛋糕的过程中,参与分配,而不是参与增长。But how to do it?

  • 离权力近一点,离资源近一点,就能多吃一点。
  • 而卖劳动力(按以前增长的模式挣钱),就只能少吃一点。

日本低利率时代,巴菲特carry trade,在日本发日元债,以低利率(低成本)借钱,然后直接投资日本公司。In other words, 巴菲特参与了日本过去40年的存量财富分配。



  • 当经济扩张时:富人先进五星级酒店,富人先买超跑,富人先吃海鲜,然后逐步下沉,到最后是老百姓吃上海鲜,老百姓开上汽车,老百姓进五星级酒店。
  • 当经济收缩时,却是相反的:先收缩的是底层。网约车司机、快递员、外卖小哥等是对经济需求反馈最快的。而坐办公室的往往反馈很慢,要等年终降薪、发不出工资、裁员等才会有反馈。同时,近年网约车司机数量剧增并不是因为农村劳动力进城,更多的是,中产阶级的陨落。只不过是你的阶层不一样,你看的问题不一样。
  • 从经济数据反馈,经济收缩的时候是底层先吃苦,往往一定周期后才能传递到经济数据上,因此宏观经济指标的反馈将滞后。





国家政府需要长期稳定就需要保持Public Sector的平衡。债务增加需要靠(1)借新还旧(2)提升税收还。

  • 税收收入 = 税基 * 税率
  • 税基 = f(人口,收入,消费意向, etc)
  • 税收收入 = f(人口,收入) * 税率
  • 当前总人口少了,只有增加收入,或者增加税率,才能满足债务增加。






















日本长期低利率,而同时保证汇率稳定的原因。理论上将,利率差会导致汇率差,但日元此前相对稳定。原因是日本进行carry trade,大企业(三井、三菱etc)低息借日元然后买海外资产。用海外资产来支撑日元汇率。然而企业通过carry trade挣了钱,老百姓无法进行此操作(其实老百姓也可以买海外股票,但是大多数老百姓没有这么做),老百姓穷了(收入降低无法支撑消费)所以日元的稳定才难以维持。




  • 投资方向,中产面临巨大困境,做高端(爱马仕),做低端(拼多多。放弃中端(LV,Chanel,Prada)
  • 消费模式类似,只有老人的消费和年轻人的消费可以做,中年人的消费能力降低。
  • 投资产业要投早期的产业,已经成熟的只能投负债端优秀的或有价格战能力的。



  1. 美国付美元买商品(净进口 Import > Export)。美元流出,商品净流入。
  2. 美政府发美元债,各国资金换美元买美债。美元净流入,形成债务。






特里芬难题(Triffin Dilemma),由经济学家Robert Triffin于1060年提出。该理论说明:当一个国家的货币同时作为国际储备货币时,有可能造成国内短期经济目标和国际长期经济目标的利益冲突。当外国想持有该国货币(全球储备货币)时,该国必须愿意提供额外货币供应,以满足世界对于这个“储备”货币的需求(外汇储备),从而导致贸易赤字。


1980s 里根大循环


  • 财政赤字意味着花费大于税收,额外的花销需要发美债融资。外国买美债,将美元输入回美国。
  • 贸易赤字代表美国进口大于出口,买全世界的货,付美元,将美元输向外国。
  • 两赤字通过美元流转,一进一出。两个赤字模式互相增强。且此模式保证美元流转,市场上美元多余的美元,并没有导致通胀。


  1. 美通过借新还旧维持高额的债务存量,相当于巨型旁氏骗局,模式是否可持续难以预测。
  2. 该模式依赖美元的信用作为担保,逆全球化可能削弱全球对美元的依赖度。同时,俄乌战争等地缘冲突可能加大局部风险,降低各国对持有美债作为资产的需求,转而投向黄金等。


  1. 特朗普竞选宣言中一部分为增加关税,减少公司税,此政策为保证美本国产业链生产力。但关税政策会阻碍进口,减少外国对美贸易输入,使外国美元收入减少。离岸美元量减少。此时,若外国仍对美元需求旺盛,将推动美元升值。

  2. $Y=C+I+G+NX$,

    $Y-C = (I+G)+NX$

    LHS 是私人部门盈余,RHS I+G是政府赤字,NX是外国部门盈余

    对外关税会减少进口,NX增加;对内减税会增加投资 I 增加。最终导致LHS 私人部门盈余增加,利好Equity Mkt.

  3. 结合此前Blog的分析,特朗普竞选计划可能会推高通胀,同时增加财政赤字,此行为与Fed当前认为通胀下降,降息实行软着陆的预期不符,因此可能Fed减缓降息。

同时,Bessent 被选为特朗普第二任任期的财长,其主张3-3-3 plan,即3%增长,3%财政赤字,300 million barrel crude oil。Bessent财政赤字收缩的目标看似与特朗普竞选战略相悖,但历史上”里根大循环“时期,消费高涨的前提保障了降低税率但提升税收总额的可能性,即随税率降低,但刺激消费、扩大税基,消费总额上升带来总税收上升。




  1. 美政策直接利好equity mkt,因为减税直接提升企业净利润。

  2. 关税增加会使美贸易受阻,叠加减少移民等政策可能推高工资、物价等,通胀难以降低,因此Fed降利率预期推迟。



随着经济企稳,物价降低,财政赤字降低,Fed重启cut interest。此时美元贬值,黄金走强。

Impacts of Trump’s Strategy on Trading

  • FX: The impacts on US dollar are complicated. On one hand, the US economy is underwent rate cut before the election, aiming to help the economic growth. On the other hand, Trump’s policy (high tariffs and inflationary wages policies) would result in higher inflation, so that Fed might be pressure to rise rate against the greater price increase. The US dollar index would be largely affected by the above mentioned polices.

    Trump states that the US trade deficits have reached to over $1 trillion, implying the imbalance trade condition. The monetary department (Fed) might depreciate US dollar, through which US exports might be accelerated. To make US dollar depreciate, FFR might go downward.

    However, The independence of Fed matters. As Fed’s goal might diverge from Trump’s policy, Jerome Powell’s insight of fighting inflation might not be coincident with the campaign strategy. If wages rise, pushing up inflation, Fed would increase rate again.

    In sum, there is an uncertainty on FX changes. The majority of the market consider Trump’s policy would outperform, so USD appreciates after election.

  • Commodity:

    • Gold: As USD appreciates, gold price decrease.
    • Metals: Coppers might experience uncertainty. USD appreciates, commodity price shall decrease. However, the infrastructure plan increase the demand of related commodities as well such as coppers. Thus, the price change of coppers are uncertain.
    • Energies: similar to metals. Two-way effects.
    • Cryptos: Simple logic. Boosting cryptos.
  • Stocks: tax cuts definitely benefit firms. Stock price raises.

  • Bonds: money flows to stocks, less demand on bonds. Thus, bond price decreases, and yield increases.

About Trump’s Campaign Statement

  1. Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
  2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history
  3. End inflation, and make America affordable again
  4. Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
  5. Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower
  6. Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
  7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
  8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in Europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country — all made in America
  9. End the weaponization of government against the American people
  10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
  11. Rebuild our cities, including Washington DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
  12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
  13. Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency
  14. Fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
  15. Cancel the and cut costly and burdensome regulations
  16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children
  17. Keep men out of women’s sports
  18. Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
  19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
  20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success

The above 20 statements are listed in Trump’s Republican Party’s Website, Combining with the Table of Content, here are some assessments.

Table of Content Campaign Statements Implication
CHAPTER ONE: DEFEAT INFLATION AND QUICKLY BRING DOWN ALL PRICES Defeat inflation, Unleash American Energy Trump plans to lifting restriction on Energy Production, and terminate the Green New Deal, continuing the usage of low cost energies such as oil, natural gas, and coal. US has turn from the largest Oil importer to Oil exporter, and Trump will extend this road. This policy would affect the oil price, the status of US dollar, and the commodities price, and further cooperation agreements.
CHAPTER TWO: SEAL THE BORDER, AND STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION Stop Immigrants Reduce labour supply, potentially pushing up wages. Might be harmful to inflation.
CHAPTER THREE: BUILD THE GREATEST ECONOMY IN HISTORY Tax Cuts; Support using Crypto and AI Prioritising American producers over foreign outsourcers. De-globalisation, increase production cost, but help resolve employment problems. Stabilise the social development. Support using Crypto and AI innovation.
CHAPTER FOUR: BRING BACK THE AMERICAN DREAM AND MAKE IT AFFORDABLE AGAIN FOR FAMILIES, YOUNG PEOPLE, AND EVERYONE Stabilise housing price; accessible education; affordable healthcare Social Stability, making welfare available for people.
CHAPTER FIVE: PROTECT AMERICAN WORKERS AND FARMERS FROM UNFAIR TRADE Higher Tariff; stop outsourcing; save Auto Industry; reduce trade deficit Place higher tariffs, protect US industries and manufacturing powers. Save Traditional Auto industries, cancel supports to EV. Trade independence from China, including vehicles imports. Keep supply chain, and maintain internal economic cycle.
CHAPTER SIX: PROTECT SENIORS Medicare, Social Security, Cares for Seniors. Social Welfare. Same as CHAPTER 4.
CHAPTER SEVEN: CULTIVATE GREAT K-12 SCHOOLS LEADING TO GREAT JOBS AND GREAT LIVES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Children; Teachers; Schools; Knowledge; Gender Indoctrination Social Welfare. Similar to CHAPTER 4. Adding the gender things.

Trump’s campaign strategies seem self-containing.

  • Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure Balance: In most of case, fiscal expenditure need to be supported by fiscal revenues. Both (1) the reduction of corporate tax, (2) the increase in infrastructure construction, and (3) upgraded social welfare would be financed by increase in Tariffs.

    However, to what degree the revenue could cover the expenditure might need specific clauses of policies to be confirm and need further evaluation of the post-policy impact.

  • Labour Market Implication: Stop immigrant would reduce the labour supply. However, Trump’s strategies aim to remain the manufacturing power insider the U.S.. Stop outsourcing and keep the supply chain in America would provide job opportunities, increasing the employment demand. Those policies together would increase the employment level and be helpful for the social stability.

  • Inflation: Oil supply increase would decrease commodity price, relieving inflation. Labour market actions (stop immigrant and outsourcing, increase wages) would increase inflation. Hard to say the inflation would go upward or downward.

  • International trade: Policies would downgrade the globalisation. Definitely harmful to all exporting countries. Exporters might need to find other large goods importers, or need to consume the excess supply power themselves. However, not just America, but the EU are all implement tariff protection, keep the pricing and competitive advantages to the local companies.

    Theoretically, de-globalisation/trade protection would harm the economic efficiency as relevant parties did not implement the comparative advantage. However, US, as the largest importers, would actually extract productions from others, and take the benefits from the trade protection. In addition, US decides to contain the manufacture power, and exports its production

Recent Insights of Trump Trade

Trump Trade is tied with Trump’s policy, and the potential of Trump’s victory.

Trump’s policy is likely to result in higher inflation (as he advocates high tariffs, low tax, looser fiscal). The Fed is expected to react to the increase in inflation by raising EFFR. Therefore, the US Dollar Index is expected to increase, based on the Trump trade and so on policies. Trump’s website illustrates polices such as Tax Cuts, Trade Protect to remain manufacturing power in the US. This year, there are people predicting that the Fed might not react by increasing interest rate, but the MoTreasury might react by increase the fiscal deficits.

Based on Trump’s previous policy in 2018, he loosened bank regulation and capital requirements. Leave the Paris Agreement and cut green energy that reduces the manufacturing efficiency. Related industries might be affected. For instance, Banking and Financial industries and Crude Oil related commodities might be accelerated, but Green Energy Industries might be less considered. Also, lower corporate tax, higher earnings per share equals higher stock market. Cryptos, through usually experiences the similar moves as Gold, might increase, because of the support from Elon Mask.

In sum, With the Trump Trade, the inflation is expected to increase, so the Fed or MoTreasury react by increasing FFR. Subsequently,
– US dollar index is expected to increase (as rate increase),
– Gold and Crude Oil are expected to decrease (as USD appreciate, rate increase, and debt increase), and
– US Stock price increase (and US corporates benefit from tax cut), and
– Cryptos increase (because of the support of Elon Mask, however there is downside power on it),
– Debt price is expected to decrease, yield increase (as FFR increase target rate).


The Delusion about the Fed

by Professor Aswath Damodaran who disclose some myths in this note.

Myth 1. The Fed as Rate Setter.

The Fed sets only one interest rate, the Fed Funds rate. FFR is an overnight intra-bank borrowing rate, and that none of the rates that we face in our lives, either as consumers (on mortgages, credit cards or fixed deposits) or businesses (business loans and bonds), are set by or even indexed to the Fed Funds Rate.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has the power to change this rate, which it uses at irregular intervals, in response to economic, market and political developments. FOMC meets 8 times each year.

The table below lists the rate changes made by the Fed in this century:


FFR is a range such as 5.00%-5.25%, so we usually use the effective FFR, which shrink to a figure.

The Figure below shows the move of effective FFR over time.

There are two periods that stand out.

  • The first is the spike in the Fed Funds rate to more than 20% between 1979 and 1982, when Paul Volcker was Fed Chair, and represented his attempt to break the cycle of high inflation that had entrapped the US economy.
  • The second was the drop in the Fed Funds rate to close to zero percent, first after the 2008 crisis and then again after the COVID shock in the first quarter of 2020. In fact, coming into 2022, the Fed had kept the Fed Funds rates at or near zero for most of the previous 14 years, making the surge in rates in 2022, in response to inflation, shock therapy for markets unused to a rate-raising Fed.


As noted that the Fed only set FFR, there are undoubtedly other interest rates you will encounter, but are not set by the Fed. Those other rates will fall into one of three buckets – (1) market-set interest rates, (2) rates indexed to market-set rates and (3) institutionally-set rates. None of these rates are set by the Federal Reserve, thus rendering the “Fed sets interest rates” as myth.

Myth 2. The Fed as Rate Leader

Although the Fed does not set rate directly, you may still believe that the Fed influences these rates with changes it makes to the Fed Funds rate.


The rates all seem to move in sync, though market-set rates move more than institution-set rates, which, in turn, are more volatile than the Fed Funds rate. The reason that this is a superficial test is because these rates all move contemporaneously, and there is nothing in this graph that supports the notion that it is the Fed that is leading the change. In fact, it is entirely possible, perhaps even plausible, that the Fed’s actions on the Fed Funds rate are in response to changes in market rates, rather than the other way around.

Some Statistics are provided by Professor Damodaran, as the Table below. To test whether changes in the Fed Funds rate are a precursor for shifts in market interest rates, a simple (perhaps even simplistic) test is provided. At the 249 quarters that compose the 1962- 2024 time period, each quarter was broken own into whether the effective Fed Funds rate increased, decreased or remained unchanged during the quarter. It seems undeniable that the “Fed as leader” hypothesis falls apart. In fact, in the quarters after the Fed Funds rate increases, US treasury rates (short and long term) are more likely to decrease than increase, and the median change in rates is negative. In contrast, in the periods after the Fed Fund decreases, treasury rates are more likely to increase than decrease, and post small median increases.

Fed Funds and Market Rates (Table new)

Findings how that the Fed is more like an follower rather than a leader, when it comes to interest rate. What is the cause of the those interest rate then? How else can you explain why interest rates remained low for the last decades, other than the Fed?

The answer is recognizing that market-set rates ultimately are composed of two elements: (1) expected inflation rate and (2) expected real interest rate, reflecting real economic growth. In the graph below, which the professor have used multiple times in prior posts, he compute an intrinsic risk free rate by just adding inflation rate and real GDP growth each year:


The figure is like the Taylor Rule. Interest rates were low in the last decade primarily because inflation stayed low (the lowest inflation decade in a century) and real growth was anemic. Interest rates rose in 2022, because inflation made a come back, and the Fed scrambled to catch up to markets, and most interesting, interest are down this year, because inflation is down and real growth has dropped. As you can see, in September 2024, the intrinsic risk-free rate is still higher than the 10-year treasury bond rate, suggesting that there will be no precipitous drop in interest rates in the coming months.

Myth 3. The Fed as Signalman

There are two major macroeconomic dimensions on which the Fed collects data,

  • (1) real economic growth (how robust it is, and whether there are changes happening), and
  • inflation (how high it is and whether it too is changing).

The Fed’s major signaling device remains the changes in the Fed Funds rate, and it is worth pondering what the signal the Fed is sending when it raises or lowers the Fed Funds rate.

  • On the inflation front, an increase or decrease in the Fed Funds rate can be viewed as a signal that the Fed sees inflationary pressures picking up, with an increase, or declining, with a decrease.
  • On the economic growth front, an increase or decrease in the Fed Funds rate, can be viewed as a signal that the Fed sees the economy growing too fast, with an increase, or slowing down too much, with a decrease.

These signals get amplified with the size of the cut, with larger cuts representing bigger signals.

The 50bp cut on the 18th of Sep means the mix. If you are an optimist, you could take the action to mean that the Fed is finally convinced that inflation has been vanquished, and that lower inflation is here to stay. If you are a pessimist, the fact that it was a 50bp decrease, rather than the expected 25bp, can be construed as a sign that the Fed is seeing more worrying signs of an economic slowdown than have shown up in the public data on employment and growth. There is of course the cynical third perspective, which is that the Fed rate cut has little to do with inflation and real growth, and more to do with an election that is less than fifty days away.

In sum, signaling stories are alluring, and you will hear them in the coming days, from all sides of the spectrum (optimists, pessimists and cynics), but the truth lies in the middle, where this rate cut is good news, bad news and no news at the same time, albeit to different groups.

Myth 4. The Fed as Equity Market Whisperer

The Fed’s capacity to influence the interest rates that matter is limited, but you may still hold on to the belief that the Fed’s actions have consequences for stock returns. In fact, Wall Street has its share of investing mantras, including “Don’t fight the Fed”, where the implicit argument is that the direction of the stock market can be altered by Fed actions.

Based on the professor’s data, the S&P 500 did slightly better in quarters after the FFR decreased than when the rate increased, but reserved its best performance for quarters after those where there was no change in the FFR. Stock markets will be better served with fewer interviews and speeches from members of the FOMC and less political grandstanding (from senators, congresspeople and presidential candidates) on what the Federal Reserve should or should not do.

Myth 5. The Fed as Chanticleer

The Fed is like Chanticleer, with investors endowing it with powers to set interest rates and drive stock prices, since the Fed’s actions and market movements seem synchronized. As with Chanticleer, the truth is that the Fed is acting in response to changes in markets rather than driving those actions, and it is thus more follower than leader. That said, there is the very real possibility that the Fed may start to believe its own hype, and that hubristic central bankers may decide that they set rates and drive stock markets, rather than the other way around.


The delusion shall be broken. The Fed did not lead the market but follow the market. Analyse the instruction of Fed might miss the cause and effect. Should do analyse the following factors.

It has distracted us from talking about things that truly matter, which include growing government debt, inflation, growth and how globalisation may be feeding into risk, and allowed us to believe that central bankers have the power to rescue us from whatever mistakes we may be making.

The Fed Delusion has destroyed enough investing brain cells for those who holding on to the delusion cannot let go. Do not hear talking among this group about what the FOMC may or may not do at its next meeting (and the meeting after that), and what this may mean for markets, restarting the Fed Watch. The insanity of it all!
