The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level

Recall the government’s budget constraint again,

$$ p_tg_t+d_t=\frac{d_{t+1}}{1+i_{t+1}}+T_t+(m_t-m_{t-1}) $$

Divide by \(p_t\), and assume for simplicity that \(m_t=m_{t+1}=…=\bar{m}\)

$$ g_t+\frac{d_t}{p_t}=\frac{d_{t+1}}{p_t (1+i_{t+1})}+\tau_t $$

denote \(\tilde{d_t}=d_t/p_t\), and recall that \((1+i_{t+1})\frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}=1+r_{t+1}\).


$$ g_t+\tilde{d_t}=\frac{\tilde{d}_{t+1}}{1+r_{t+1}}+\tau_t $$

Iterate forward, and impose the “no-Ponzi condition”, \( \lim_{s\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\tilde{d_{t+s}}}{\prod_{j=1}^s 1+r_{t+j}}=0\) to get,

$$ \tilde{d_t}=\sum_{s=0}^{\infty} \beta^s (\tau_{t+s}-g_{t+s}) $$

, where the equilibrium condition \( \beta=\frac{1}{1+r}\) has been imposed.


$$ \frac{d_t}{p_t}=\sum_{s=0}^{\infty} \beta^s (\tau_{t+s}-g_{t+s}) $$

The “unpleasant arithmetic” stated that if the government has leadership, it can coerce expansions in money.

In contrast, FTPL says that the above restrictions are not a constraint to the CB or government. Instead, it is an equilibrium relation.

As a consequence, the CB and the government may choose policies independent of the above constraint. In the end, the price level \(p_t\) must then adjust such that the equation holds.

Government Deficits Cause Inflation

Recall A Cash-in-Advance Model, the government deficits cause inflation.

Here, I would apply the equation of exchange and government budget constraint to explain how inflation is generated by government deficits. Recalling the government budget constraint,

\overbrace{p_t g_t}^{Gov Spending} + \overbrace{i_t d_t}^{Interest Payment} = \underbrace{(d_{t+1}-d_t)}_{Increase in Debt Position}+\underbrace{T_t}_{Tax Revenue}+\underbrace{m_t-m_{t-1}}_{Print Money}

devide by \( p_t\) to get the equation in the real term,

$$ g_t+i_t \frac{d_t}{p_t}=\frac{d_{t+1}-d_t}{p_t}+\tau_t+\frac{m_t-m_{t-1}}{p_t} $$

, where \( \tau_t=\frac{T_t}{p_t}\).

By denoting real government debt as \( \hat{d}_t=\frac{d_t}{p_{t-1}}\), and replace \( (1+r_t)=(1+i_t)\frac{P_{t-1}}{P_t}=\frac{1+i_t}{1+\pi_t} \) and \( m_t = p_t y_t \), then we get all variables are in real terms,

$$ g_t – \tau_t +(1+r_t)\hat{d}_t =\hat{d}_{t+1}+\frac{p_t y_t-p_{t-1}y_{t-1}}{p_t}$$

At the steady state \( g_t=g_{t+1}=g, \tau_t=\tau_{t+1}=\tau \) and so on, and thus,

$$ \underbrace{g+r\hat{d}-\tau }_{Growth\ of \ interest\ deficits}= \underbrace{\frac{p_t-p_{t-1}}{p_t}}_{Seignorage} \times y$$

From the above equation, we can find that if inflation increases then it means the RHS increases. The LHS consists of two parts. Government Spendings \( g + r\hat{d}\) and government revenues \( \tau \). That means the government is getting deficits if the LHS rises. Meanwhile, the RHS increases and so inflation grows.

In sum, we find that government deficits, in the long run, would induce inflation. The zero-inflation condition is to make the LHS of the equation equal to zero (government spendings offset government revenue).

The Money in Utility Function

  • In the monetarist view, the price level is determined by the amount of money in the economy.
  • Inflation is everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
  • Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods

Assume a model that, instead of using the money for transactions, agents just get happy holding some money in their pockets.

The optimisation problem becomes to be,

$$ \max_{c_t, b_{t+1},M_t} \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^t [u(c_t)+v(\frac{M_t}{p_t})] $$

$$s.t. \quad p_t c_t +\frac{b_{t+1}}{1+i_{t+1}}+M_t=b_t+\underbrace{p_t y}_{current\ sales\ withou\ lages}+M_{t-1}$$


$$ u'(c_t)=\beta (1+i_{t+1})\frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) $$

$$ u'(c_t)-v'(\frac{M_t}{p_t})=\beta \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) $$

Now assume that money supply follows \(M_{t+1}=(1+\mu)M_t\). Also assume government spending is zero, so all seignorage is redistributed as a (negative) lum-sum tax. ENdowments are constant and given by \(y\).

Then the constraint,

$$ u'(c_t)-v'(\frac{M_t}{p_t})=\beta \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) $$

can be written as,

$$u'(y)-v'(m_t)=\beta \frac{1}{1+\pi_t}u'(y)$$

, where I impose that \(y=c+g\), with \(g=0\), \(m_t=\frac{M_t}{p_t}\), and define \(1+\pi_t=\frac{p_{t+1}}{p_t}\).

Notice that,

$$ \underbrace{\frac{m_{t+1}}{m_t}}_{ratio\ of\ real\ money\ balance}=\frac{ \frac{M_{t+1}}{p_{t+1}} }{ \frac{M_t}{p_t} }=\frac{M_{t+1}}{M_t}\times \frac{P_t}{P_{t+1}}=\frac{1+\mu}{1+\pi_t} $$

so the Euler equation

$$ u'(y)-v'(m_t)=\beta \frac{1}{1+\pi_t}u'(y) $$

becomes (by replacing \(\frac{1}{1+\pi}=\frac{m_{t+1}}{m_t}\frac{1}{1+\mu}\)),

$$ m_{t+1}=\frac{1+\mu}{\beta}\frac{u'(y)-v'(m_t)}{u'(y)}m_t $$

Showing the relationship between real money supply over periods.

Find Solutions of The Euler Equation

  • At the Steady State

Assume\(m\neq0\). Let \(m_t=m_{t+1}=…=m^*\) and \(m^*>0\) at the steady state,

$$ 1=\frac{1+\mu}{\beta}\frac{u'(y)-v'(m^*)}{u'(y)} $$

Clearly, there is a \(m^*>0\) satisfy the equation.

  • \(m\rightarrow 0\)

$$ m_{t+1}=\frac{1+\mu}{\beta}\frac{u'(y)-v'(m_t)}{u'(y)}m_t $$

If \( \lim_{m\rightarrow 0}v'(m)m=0\), then \(m^*=0\) is also a steady state equilibrium.

  • P.S. \(u'(y)=v'(m”)\)

In addition, there exists an \(m”>0\) such that

$$ u'(y)=v'(m”) $$

which implies that \(m_{t+1}\leq0\) for \(m_t\leq m”\).

The relationship could be expressed by the figure below.

If the initial condition of \(m_t\) is at the right of \(m^*\), then RHS is always greater than the LHS and would result in \(\lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} m_t \rightarrow \infty\). No steady state and violate the transversality condition. Thus, \(m_0\) cannot be at the right of \(m^*\).

If the \(m_0\) at the left of \(m^*\), then \(m_t\) would converge to 0 (as the similar logic above). Therefore, as \(m_t \rightarrow 0\), \(p_t\ rightarrow \infty\) even if \(M_t\) keeps constant. That would lead to hyperinflation.

In that scenario, the unique equilibrium is \(m_t=m^*>0\), the price level is determined. Prices, in this case, must be growing at precisely the same rates as money, which adhere to the monetarist doctrine. However, the economy can also display speculative hyperinflation in which inflation far outpace money growth.

In addition, different forms of the RHS might lead to different results.

E.G. the concavity of RHS, the interaction point at zero, etc would all affect the equilibrium condition.

  • No interaction at 0.
A unique equilibrium at \(m^*\) in this case.
  • No \(m”\)
Speculative Hyperinflation
A Convergency

Liquidity Trap and Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy also helps to get out of the liquidity trap.

Ricardian Equivalence in the Cash-in-Advance Model

Ricardian Equivalence states that the government finance the government spending, \(g_t\), by debts or taxes is irrelevant.

Consider tax, \(T_t\), as government steals money from the private sectors. Then, borrowing money is the same, because the government needs to finance the repayments by taxes as well. Government repay with one hand and steal (or tax) the same amount with the other hand. Thus, funds lent out to the government will never be given back.

Therefore, borrowing is the same as tax. However, this is not true sometimes, because debts and interest can help smooth consumption.

The Ricardian equivalence cannot be shown in the Cash-in-Advance model because tax and debts won’t be shown in the Euler equation, once markets clear and model achieves the equilibrium.

$$ u'(y_t-g_t)=\beta(1+i_{t+1})\frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(y_{t+1}-g_{t+1}) $$

$$ p_t y_t=m_t -x_{t+1} $$

and \( x_{t+1}\geq0, i_{t+1}\geq0, x_{t+1}\times i_{t+1}=0\).
Clearly, no taxes and debts appear in the equations ( as tax and debts are represented by the government spending).

Fiscal Policy

Recall the model in a liquidity trap,

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \frac{\hat{p_t}}{m’}y’u'(y’) $$

With fiscal policy this would be,

$$ u'(\hat{y}-\underbrace{g}_{Government\ Spending})=\beta \frac{\hat{p_t}}{m’}y’u'(y’) $$

A interesting phenomena appears that \(\uparrow g \Rightarrow \uparrow\hat{y}\). Also, government spending would induce a 1-to-1 increase in current output, because the RHS is unchanged.

The multiplier must exactly equal one, because of Ricardian equivalence.


  • Governemnt taxes or borrows \(\hat{p_t}\times g\) units of money.
  • This means that agents reduce hoardings, \(x_{t+1}\), with precisely \(\hat{p_t}\times g\) units.
  • The government demands \(g\) units of output, and consumers still demand \(c\).
  • Output is then \(\hat{y}=c+g\). (if \(\uparrow g\), then \(\uparrow\hat{y}\).)
  • The argument relies on a horizontal Aggregate Supply cureve. That is there is slackness in the economy. The economy is not fully employment (not achieve potential GDP) and also price is sticky in the very short run.
  • Under unemployment, increase in government spending would make more people employed, and increase the total output at 1-to-1 level.

If not in a liquidity trap, then \(x_{t+1}=0\) and \(i_{t+1}>0\).

The Euler equation is,

$$ u'(\hat{y_t}-g)=\beta (1+i_{t+1}) \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(y_{t+1}) $$

A rise in \(g\) leads to a rise in \(i_{t+1}\), and the multiplier is zero. Consider the crowding-out effects that increase in government spending induces an increase in government debts (demands in the loanable fund market increase), and thus reduce the demand of investment from the private sector (increase in interest rate leads to increase in supply along the supply curve but not shift the curve).


  • Outside of a liquidity trap. agents do not hoard money. \(x_{t+1}=0\).
  • The oruvate sector is happy to do this at a higher interest rate.
  • Fully Crowding Out.

P.S. See further study about the multiplier effects and crowding-out effect.

Multiplier > 1 ?

A number of reasons to make the multiplier be greater than one.

One of the reasons is unemployment persistence.

Suppose now the outputs is produced as \(y_t=z_t l_t\). Labour supply is inelastic and is normalised to be one. I would also assume \(z_t=1\) for simplicity.

If there is a demand shock with rigid nominal wages, then we have \(\hat{y}=z_t \times l_t<z_t \times 1\), and there would be unemployment, \(u_t=1-l_t\).

Now we include persistent unemployment/ In particular, I assume that \(l_{t+1}=l_t^{\alpha}\), with \( \alpha \in [0,1)\).

The Euler Equation is then,

$$ u'(\hat{y}-g)=\beta \frac{\bar{p_t}}{p_{t+1}}u'(y’) $$

$$ u'(\hat{y}-g)=\beta \frac{\bar{p_t}}{m’}y’u'(y’) $$

$$ u'(\hat{y}-g)=\beta \frac{\bar{p_t}}{m’}z’l’u'(z’l’) $$

$$ u'(\hat{y}-g)=\beta \frac{\bar{p_t}}{m’}z’l^{\alpha} u'(z’l^{\alpha}) $$

By applying \(z_t=1\), the Euler equation is then,

$$ u'(\hat{y}-g)=\beta \frac{\bar{p_t}}{m’}z'{\hat{y}}^{\alpha} u'(z’ {\hat{y}} ^{\alpha}) $$

Then, we can assume the utility function is isoelastic \(u(c)=\frac{c^{1-\sigma}-1}{1-\sigma}\), and apply the implicit function theorem to the Euler equation, then we can get,

$$ \frac{\partial{\hat{y}}}{\partial{g}}=\frac{1}{1-\alpha (1-\frac{1}{\sigma})} $$

That implies the impacts of government spending on output depends on \(\alpha\) and \(\sigma\). The derivative is greater than one based on our assumptions of parameters.


  • Governemnt taxes or borrows \(\hat{p_t}\times g\) units of money.
  • This means that agents reduce hoardings, \(x_{t+1}\), with precisely \(\hat{p_t}\times g\) units.
  • The government demands \(g\) units of output, and consumers still demand \(c\).
  • Output is then \(\hat{y}=c+g\), and the unemployment must fall \(l_t \uparrow\). (P.S. \(\uparrow g \Rightarrow \uparrow \hat{y} \Rightarrow \uparrow l_t\), coz \(y=zl\) ).
  • As \( l_t \uparrow\), we have that \(l_{t+1}\uparrow\) and \(y_{t+1} \uparrow \). (by presistent employment.)

Then, the loop starts asthe following:

  • Since \(y_{t+1} \uparrow\) the fture looks brighter!
  • Individuals want to consume more and hoard less, so \(c_t \uparrow\) and \(\bar{y}\uparrow\)!
  • Output increases even more, and the unemployment rates fall again, so \(y_{t+1} \uparrow\) even more.
  • This makes the future look even brighter, so there is more spending and so on.

Monetary Targeting

Three monetary regimes, aiming to avoid or mitigate the liquidity trap, are introduced here. They are Inflation Targeting (IT), Price Level Targeting (PLT), and Nominal GDP Targeting (NGDPT).

A brief summary is that NGDPT performs better than PT ( in terms of dealing with the liquidity trap), which in turn performs better than IT.

Before doing the analysis, we modify the model a little bit that makes the price to be “somewhat flexible”.

$$ \bar{p}_t=\frac{m_t}{y_t} $$

In that, if not in the liquidity trap, we assume \( p_t\geq \gamma \bar{p_t}\), with \(\gamma \in (0,1)\). (we previously assume \(p_t\geq \bar{p_t})\).

Therefore, our Euler equation is,

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta\gamma \frac{\bar{p_t}}{p_{t+1}}u'(y’) $$

Inflation Targeting

Let the inflation target be \( \frac{p_{t+1}}{p_t}=1+\pi\), then our Euler equation becomes,

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \frac{1}{1+\pi}u'(y’) $$

Therefore, \( \uparrow \pi \Rightarrow \uparrow RHS \Rightarrow \uparrow LHS \Rightarrow \uparrow \hat{y}\). Increase in inflation would raise the current output.


  1. The fall in current output in the crisis is less severe (as \(\uparrow \hat{y}\)).
  2. The economy is less likely to fall into a liquidity trap in the first place, because people know inflation in the future, so they will not likely be strucked in the liquidity trap, coz increasing demans in current time) High inflation means money loses value quickly, and thus agents are reluctant to save using cash.

Price Level Targeting

With the price level targeting, the CB aims to keep the price level on a certain path. This means if the CB fails to meet the target, it will catch up in teh later period. For example, if the price level is 100 at period \(t\), and the CB’s price level target is 2%, then the price level in period \(t+1\) should be 102. However, if the CB fails to do that in \(t+1\), then in \(t+2\) the CB should catch up and keep the price level to be 104.

In that, the CB follows \( p_{t+1}=(1+\mu)\bar{p_t}\), where \( \bar{p_t} \) is the “normal times price level”, and \(\bar{p_t}=\frac{m_t}{y_t}\).

Then, the Euler equation

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{\bar{p_t}}{p_{t+1}}u'(y’) $$

would become,

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{1}{1+\mu}u'(y’) $$

The difference between the price level target and inflation target in the Euler equation is the \( \gamma\) term. Therefore,

$$ u'(\hat{y_{IT}})=\beta \frac{1}{1+\pi}u'(y’) $$

$$ u'(\hat{y_{PLT}})=\beta \gamma \frac{1}{1+\mu}u'(y’) $$

If \(\pi=\mu\), then the RHS of the second Euler equation is smaller, and thus \(\hat{y_{PLT}} > \hat{y_{IT}}\). (easy to show in maths by assuming the isoelasicity utility function).

NGDP Targeting

With NGDPT, the CB aims to keep nominal GDP on a certain path. For example, aiming to increase NGDP by 2% per year. A failure in one period means a cathcing up in the next period.

$$\underbrace{ p_{t+1}y_{t+1}}_{nominalGDP_{t+1}}=(1+\mu)\underbrace{\bar{p_t}y_t}_{nominalGDP_t} $$

By assuming not in the liquidity trap, \(m_{t+1}=(1+\mu\)m_t\).

Then, the Euler equation

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{\bar{p_t}}{p_{t+1}}u'(y’) $$


$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{ \frac{m_t}{y_t} }{ \frac{m_{t+1}}{y’} }u'(y’) $$

$$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{ \frac{m_t}{y_t} }{ \frac{m_t(1+\mu)}{y’} }u'(y’) $$

u'(\hat{y})=\beta \gamma \frac{y’}{y_t}\frac{1}{1+\mu} u'(y’)

Since \( \frac{y’}{y_t}<1 as y'<y_t, and \gamma \in (0,1)\), so RHS is even smaller than that of the PLT Euler equation. Therefore, \(\hat{y_{NGDPT}}\) is even greater than the \(\hat{y_{PLT}}\). That implies that the cirsis would be less severe for a given \(y’\).




商业+进口商 — 进口国银行+出口国银行


影子银行 – 房地产+地方政府融资平台


银行募集一笔钱(来自个人或企业),通过理财产品(银行、券商、非银金融机构。现多为银行金融理财子公司),贷款给借款人。 最终,银行扩展了表外业务。





央行 – 货币政策三大法宝

存款准备金率 再贴现率 公开市场业务







解决:1. 从原材料价格入手:长期推断人民币国际化,短期限价补贴生产商(Problematic)。2. 从消费刺激入手:长期扩大内需(考虑Good-Bad Consumption转型),消费结构在转型,需要供给侧同时配合更新产品产品以与消费匹配,短期:新闻宣传(国民文化理念背景下,短期似乎无有效解决方案。可考虑政府购买,政策性囤货,或政府购买转移支付至欠发达地区)。3. 从降低中介平台费用入手(加强反垄断,2021年11月18日国家反垄断局已挂牌成立)。

思考:国家经济发展需要从生产及消费下手。而中间商虽然有加速资产配置消费配置的能力,但是过于泛滥及垄断的中间商(电商平台)同时带来了以下问题。1. 产品劣质。 2. 中间商利润过大,压榨生产者消费者surplus。此时即使市场达到类价格歧视形式,total surplus没有减少。但是由于consumer and producer surplus 减少带来了消费生产意愿降低!联系behavioral study和consumption preference。

C(L) and Good-Bad Consumption

22nd Nov 2021

People have less time to consume, thus consumption needs to be more effective, which links to the idea of the good-bad good.

People consume affordable goods. People from the less wealthy areas can only afford bad goods. However, with credits available, people prefer to consume high-quality goods. That logic constructs the relationship between credit availability and preference for high-quality goods.

How to Ease Liquidity Trap

Four potential solutions,

  1. Covential Monetary policy
  2. Forward guidance
  3. Internal devaluations
  4. Quantitative easing

  • Covential Monetary policy
  • Recall the public sectors budget constraint is ,

    $$ G_t-d_{t+1}=T_t+(m_t-m_{t-1})-(1+i_t)d_t $$


    $$ \underbrace{G_t+(1+i_t)d_t}_{Money Spending}=\underbrace{T_t+(m_t-m_{t-1})+d_{t+1}}_{Money Source} $$

    In a standard open market operation, \(d_{t+1}\) (and \(b_{t+1}\)) would fall, and \(m_t-m_{t-1}\) would rise by the same amount. CB or Gov buy back debts and pool money into the market, so the net debt outstanding decrease and amount of money oustanding increase.

    $$ G_t+(1+i_t)d_t=T_t+(\uparrow m_t-m_{t-1})+\downarrow d_{t+1} $$

    Or through helicopter drop, reducing tax \(T_t\) to increase \(m_t-m_{t-1}\) .

    $$ G_t+(1+i_t)d_t=\downarrow T_t+(\uparrow m_t-m_{t-1})+ d_{t+1} $$

    How private sectors react to the windfall of money?

    Assume in advance that there is a reversal of monetary injection in the period \(t+1\).

    $$ u'(\hat{y})=\beta \frac{\bar{p}_t}{m_{t+1}}y’u'(y’) $$

    Nothing really changes in the Euler equation for private sectors. In other words, \( \hat{y} \) is still decresed from \(y_t\), and is not affected by changes in \(m_t\). \(p_t=\frac{m_t}{y_t}\), partially because \(p_t\) is predetermined already.

    Intuitively, private sectors know the money would be taxed back, so they just hold the extra money (hoard them), and will pay them back as future tax payments. (That’s is the way to make the Euler equation hold). The excess cash holding would not bring an increase in future consumption, because that cash is all for future taxes. Consider the Ricardian Equilibrium.

    P.S. that could be a Pareto-improvement to coordinate on spending.

    As Keynes called “Pushing on a string”. Even if CB drops money from helicopters, the money would not be spent and would be hoarded. Therefore, no real impacts on the economy.

    As shown in the figure, an increase in the money supply (monetary base) would result in people holding more money (excess reserve). At the moment in around 2008, the effective federal fund rate hits zero, liquidity traps started. Injecting more money (increasing the money supply) cause excess cash holding, instead of current output increase.

    Forward Guidance

    Forward guidance means committing to change things in the future (, with perfect credibility).

    Assume that he government commits to expand money supply from /(m/) to /(m’/) in period \(t+1\) onward. Also, assume not in the liquidity trap in \(t+1\), (\(v_{t+1}=1\)). So the price level at \(t+1\) would be,

    $$ p_{t+1}=\frac{m’}{y’}>\frac{m}{y’} $$

    The Euler equation,

    $$ u'(y_t)=\beta \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(y’) $$

    now becomes,

    $$ u'(y_t)=\beta \frac{\bar{p}_t}{m_{t+1}}y’u'(y’) $$

    And \(m_{t+1}\) is increased to \(m’\), so

    $$ u'(y_t)=\beta \frac{\bar{p}_t}{m’}y’u'(y’) $$

    An estimated decrease in future outputs would increase \(y’u'(y’)\). However, a permanent increase in \(m’\) to keep the equation unchanged.

    Forward Guidance differs from the conventional monetary policy because an extra amount of money would not be taxed back. The central bank “commits to act irresponsibly” in the future. Also, the conventional monetary policy emphasises the current money supply, but forward guidance states the future. People will know that there is no need to pay extra tax back in the future.

    The is no clear downward trend of the real output while increasing money supply after getting into the liquidity trap. The market in the US implies that public sectors react to the expected decrease in future output by increasing the money supply in a long period (equivalent to the forward guidance), therefore the real output at the current period does undergo a significant decrease.

    See Krugman (1988) and Eggertsson and Woodford (2003).

    Internal Devaluations

    Here, we consider a production economy instead of an endowment economy. In this way, instead of being endowed with \(y_t\) units of the output good in each period, agents are endowed with one unit of time and they choose an inelastic supply of working.

    Firms are perfectly competitive and produce output according to \(y_t=z_t l_t\), where \( z_t\) donates labour productivity and \(l_t\) the amount of labour hired.

    A representative firm’s optimisation problem is then given by

    $$ \max_{l_t} p_t z_t l_t- \tilde{w_t}l_t $$


    $$p_t z_t =\tilde{w_t} $$

    The first-order condition tells that nominal wage stickiness leads to price stickiness. Given wages, \(\tilde{w_t}\), a fall in prices would reduce profits, and firms would shut down their businesses (by perfect competition assumption).

    However, if prices and wages fell in equal proportion, firms would still like to hire equally many works. And the fall in prices would boost demand. P.S. the real wages keep constant.

    Intuition: Firstly, as prices fall, goods get cheaper. So even 80 of spending can buy100 worth of goods. Secondly, as wages also fall, real profits are unchanged, and firms are willing to meet the additional demand. Finally, the positive impacts on \(y_t\) could offset the negative of it (from underestimated future outputs).

    \( \quad \downarrow P \Rightarrow \downarrow W \Rightarrow\) unchanged profits and increase outputs

    Quantitative Easing

    In the open market operation, the CB purchases short-term government bonds (3-month T-bill). By QE, the CB purchases assets with longer maturity and credibility, see The Fed’s Balance Sheet, e.g. MBS.

    The idea of QE is to decrease the interest rate once the short term rate is already zero, and also pool money into the market. In the recession, short term bonds’ nominal interest rates are already zero, but long term bonds may not. Thus, by purchasing long-term bonds, yields are pushed downward (real interest rate falls), and stimulate the economy. (Similar to the non-arbitrage theory). Long-term assets are equally valuable as short term assets at any horizon. In the liquidity trap, short term assets are equally valuable as holding money, so long term assets are perfect subsites to money as well (consider including liquidity premium and risk premium).

    In the model with Cash in Advance and short long term assets, we consider include

    1. A short term asset (one period) \(b_{t+1}^1\).
    2. A long term asset (two periods), \(b_{t+1}^2\).
    3. The price of the short-term asset is denoted \(q_t^1\), and pays out one unit of cash in period t+1.
    4. The price of the long-term asset is denoted \(q_t^2\), and pays out one unit of cash in period t+2.

    The household’s problem is then

    $$ \max_{c_t,b^1_{t+1},x_{t+1}} \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^t u(c_t) $$

    $$s.t. \quad q_t^1 b_{t+1}^1+ q_t^2 b_{t+1}^2+x_{t+1}+p_t c_t=b_t^1 +q_t^1 b_t^2 +w_{t-1}+x_t – T_t $$

    LHS stands for how to spend money, RHS how money comes from.


    $$ u'(c_t)=\beta \frac{1}{q_t^1} \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) \quad w.r.t\ b^1$$

    $$ u'(c_t)=\beta \frac{q_{t+1}^1}{q_t^2} \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) \quad w.r.t\ b^2$$

    $$ u'(c_t)-\mu_t = \beta \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) \quad w.r.t\ x$$

    Therefore, the finding is,

    $$ \beta \underbrace{\frac{q_{t+1}^1}{q_t^2}}_{1+i^2_{t+1}} \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) = \beta \underbrace{\frac{1}{q_t^1}}_{1+i_{t+1}^1} \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) = \beta \frac{p_t}{p_{t+1}}u'(c_{t+1}) +\mu $$

    Equivalent to \( Return\ of \ LongTerm=Ro\ ShortTerm=Ro\ Cash\).

    Long-term bonds are traded at arbitrage with short-term bonds which are traded at arbitrage with money.

    Recall that the purpose of QE is to reduce the return on long-term bonds but that cannot be done.

    If in the liquidity trap, \( x_{t+1}=0, \mu=0, i_t=0 \Rightarrow \frac{1}{q_t^1}=1 \Leftrightarrow \frac{q_{t+1}^1}{q_t^2}=1 \).

    In the figure, the green curve represents QE (Fed Balance sheet). During the 2008 financial crisis and Covid-19, the Fed purchase assets (MBS and Long-term T bonds) and pay with money, in order to release liquidity into the market.

    In the end,

    1. Convential monetary policy – ineffective
    2. Forward guidance – effective
    3. Inteernal devaluations – effective but hard
    4. Quantitative easing – ineffective