US Dollar & Commodity Price

The line chart below shows the relationship between US Dollar Index and Commodity Price Index.

The dynamic macroeconomic condition of the world drives me to find the correlations among some macroeconomic indices.

Rising Energy Price and Commodity Price

The tight relationship between Russia and Ukraine (and NATO) and the pandemic drive energy price such as crude oil and gas keep increasing. On one hand, I may consider the rising energy price as mainly a supply-side problem. Although European countries conduct sanctions on Russia, they still have relative rigid demand for gas and crude oil from Russia. The lack of energy from the EU pushes the oil price to rise as the Green Line shows in the Figure below. On the other hand, the tight Global relationships between huge parties such as Russia, US, the EU, and China enhance the needs of necessities. Therefore, the prices of commodities and oil, which are necessities not only for the downstream consumers but also for industries, increase as expected.

Those facts that positive correlation of commodity price, energy price, and crude oil price can be found in the Figure below.

US Dollar Index and Commodity Price


As the US dollar is internationally admitted and exchanged currency, commodities and crude oils are priced by it (the US Dollar).

As shown in the Figure below, there seems a negative correlation between the US dollar index and the Commodity index.

One explanation of that negative relationship is that the value or the intrinsic value of a commodity is the same either priced by the US dollar or price by the British pound. Therefore, if the US dollar depreciates, then people should spend more US dollars to buy the same certain quantity of commodities. Similar logic could be found in crude oil prices.

There could be other explanations or other factors that could be taken into consideration. Under the current world condition that de-globalisation and uncertainty emerge, people would hold more safe assets. Thus, commodities and old, which are necessities, and gold, which is a generally accepted symbol of value, become the top safety consideration for people (investors and firms may have greater demand for commodities and energy, and normal people may get access to gold and have more demand for gold). Finally, the price of them increases.

However, there raises a question I haven’t yet spent time on studying it.

If the US dollar appreciates, then the price of commodity should decrease as I just introduced. Then, there might be more demand for commodities and oil as the price is getting low (you may say the low price is due to the appreciation of the US dollar. you are right maybe, but that cannot convince me), at least in the U.S. market. As the transaction is made with the US dollar, the more demand for commodities and oils means more demand for the US dollar, therefore US dollar should keep appreicating. Is that right? If it is, then there won’t be a convergence and won’t have an equilibrium, instead, the appreciation of the US dollar would be magnified. The reverse situation would happen if the US dollar depreciates.


The Fred commission announced to increase the interest rate, in order to face the hyper-inflation resulting from its previous quantitative easing. Increasing interest rate means the US market would be more attractive to Global investors, so an increase in demand for the US dollar drives the US dollar to appreciate. The commodity price logically should go down. However, that divergence does not come out as we can find in the figure since the tight relationship between Russia and Ukraine happened.

Why the empirical finding contradicts with our logical indication?

Is that a result of the safety consideration (that people worry about the war and start to hold necessities) we just mentioned? If it is, then how can we split that part of the effect and show the negative correlation between the US dollar and commodity price. If not, then what factors contribute to the conflict? Is that due to the reason I discussed above? or there are any other factors (of course there are, but I neglect them because they have relatively small effects) cause that phenomenon?


In the second figure, the crisis happened in 2008 and 2019-now, as shown in the shaded period. In the crisis, the commodity price seems a leading index of the US dollar. The commodity reflects prior to the other economic factors, as demanders of the commodity, production firms, need to avoid fluctuations of prices. So they make hedging transactions earlier and predict the commodity price so that they can apply to their production process smoothly.

US Dollar and Inflation

Why monetary policy does not result in inflation in the U.S. market?

Or we may say the impact on inflation is not as theory tells.

The reason is easy, considering the supply and demand of USD. As USD are internationally accepted and even treated as the credit currency and security, the demand for USD is unexpectedly large, especially in a crisis. Therefore, the extra supply of USD by FRED is absorbed by other countries’ demand. Without too much supply of money, the price level would not increase and inflation does not exist.

Things become different while including other factors in the model such as the commodity.

荷兰农业 v.s. 中国农业

1. 背景


2. 基本条件

  • 天然气 荷兰纬度与我国黑龙江接近,地理环境导致荷兰气温低,对于农业为劣势。
  • 育种业 保障全年生产新品种
  • 机器自动化 通过计算机自动控制温度 湿度等,研究 不同光线对作物生产的影响等 以提高单产。

  • 农业人口少 1% 与美国农业人口类似。
  • 荷兰出口额ranking:1. 花卉 2. 肉 3. 蛋、奶 4. 蔬菜 5. 水果 6. 酒 7. 谷物等副产品 etc
  • 蔬菜仅占rank3

3. Finding

研究 – 提高产值的方法

规模效应 – 人少 -人均高

4. 中国农业 v.s. 荷兰农业


荷兰农业为赚钱 v.s. 中国农业为了维持社会稳定

我国农业为了维护公平 保证employment。于是限制资本进入农村,以保护农民利益。



公平 – 保证employment <- 我国为保 就业+稳定 而限制商业进驻农业生产上游

效率 – 科技 + 管理带来规模效应 <- 被选择性舍弃

5. Inspiration

在 公平 和 效率 之间取舍。 放弃了效率,放弃了市场的选择,为了保证贫富差距,为了保证就业公平

本源 1. 人口: 人口多 人均少。2. 教育:部分群体受教育程度不足以在城镇化转型中获得工作机会(prob农业) <-> 教育同时意味着 人才相对缺失。 3. 市场:由于上游限制,人才不愿意进入农业生产,因为没有profitable opportunities。人才并非为regulation的原因而缺少。4. 城镇 制造业+服务业 无法吸收农业人口的转移

基于 1. 人口。 城镇的制造业+服务业 无法吸纳农业人口转移,也因此 为保证 公平 农业人口数量不能减少 以将土地租给高效的生产管理人员。

6. Reference


中国央行降息 松货币 宽信用 为刺激国内经济,增加信贷,盘活经济,实现年增长目标。

美联储升息 为应对 通胀风险。


US interest rate is relatively more attractive to global investors than CNY. However, in the exchange market, CNY appreciates and the USD depreciates. How does that happen? Why investments do not flow to the U.S. market?

In the following, we consider why money does not escape from the Chinese market. –

1. Regulation

CNY has continued appreciating since 2018, while the spread between CNY and USD converging. That is largely because of the regulation. – 资本管制、外汇市场干预、风险因素

In this case, the real demand and supply of China in the EX market does not flow with the change of interest rate spread.

2. Risks

Investors consider not only profits but also risks. For the profit part, which is about the spread convergence, it does make sense that the US dollar should appreciate. However, for the risk part, we normally under-evaluate the risk of the U.S. market.

Although FRED increases the interest rate, that policy aims to battle hyperinflation ( face crisis) instead of actively controlling unexpected growth (contractionary policy). Therefore, the policy of increase in interest rate would more likely to end up with higher risks, which are investors does not want to face.

The Chinese policy of decreasing interest rates might also aim to face the crisis. That is hard to evaluate which part risks dominate.

Other Facts

U.S. aims to 1. battle with inflation 2. attract money to flow from EU and Emerging market back into U.S. market.

China is facing severe international conditions as well. See news and reports e.g. economists 6th March.

常识的力量 书评


摘自李迅雷 书评



  • 1. 重视行业竞争格局


( 国企牌照经营带来垄断 )


( 行业是否高增长 v.s. 行业的行业内竞争情况 竞争即考虑 entry difficulty and substitution)



  • 选择最具竞争力的优秀公司




  • 3. 做优秀公司的长期朋友



( 长期投资 )

  • 4. 留足安全边际,相信均值回归的力量


不要过分相信相对估值,因为相对估值往往基于假设市场有效 价格已经反应价值 某公司 或者 某些公司价值正确且 无 anomaly无behaviours 或其deducted,再用ratio估target firm。

明显假设难以holds, especially in Chinese market that illusion largely exist.

  • 5. 追求正确的非共识,从定价错误中寻找超额收益

Clear, and similar as above

  • 6. 选择优秀公司构建组合,并注重组合均衡

allocate risks and eliminate unsystematic risks.

  • 7. 区分“重要的事”和“能力圈内的事”





( Macroeconomy in China does not largely depend on the market, but policy. Therefore, marecoeconomy is about the collusion control, health of firms, support from gov – policy, and another key fact international finance or international relationship )


第一,行业竞争格局好不好? industry orgnisation

第二,公司壁垒深不深? entry barrier

第三,公司抗风险能力强不强? risk control or inner control

第四,公司是不是为股东赚钱? Profitability

第五,公司业务会否被替代颠覆? substitutivness


  • 8. 了解并避免决策盲区









1. 金融回归服务实体经济

  • 减少金融抑制,推动金融市场化发展:1. 减少政府干预、推进资本要素市场化配置、完善股票市场基础制度、加快发展债券市场。2. 加快金融领域市场化改革,推进存贷款基准利率与市场利率并轨,提高债券市场定价效率。
  • 增强人民币汇率弹性,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定。
  • 避免经济脱实向虚

2. 促进房地产业健康发展,努力实现住有所居

  • 房地产为金融与实体经济的枢纽,房地产业对于政府是经济发展的重要抓手,对于银行是信贷的抵押物,对于消费者是重要财产与住处。
  • 坚持房住不炒,房地产供应保障需求,稳地价房价。
  • 政府介入,保障房政策。

3. 落实农民土地财产权利,缩小城乡收入差距

  • 参考“荷兰农业”
  • 土地市场化资本化 与 农民利益的博弈 – 效率 与 公平的博弈

4. 发展普惠金融,使低收入群体也能分享增长红利

  • 提升小微企业和低收入群体获得信贷的可能。 普-普遍+惠-低价
  • 降低准入门槛,使低收入群体能分享收益 – 居民利息、股息、红利、租金、保险等 金融基建

5. 重视金融科技的双刃剑效应,推进金融科技向善

  • 数字金融 对于农村 西部等地区欠完善,不够人性,难以深入消费者中
  • 规范金融科技。 保证金融科技在私人收益率与社会收益率保持一致。
  • 数据整治,隐私权 安全管理


学习参考 金融发展与共同富裕的“中国故事” 张晓晶

货币+信用 分析

一般来讲(参考“宽信用阶段哪些行业会有超额收益?”)宽货币+宽信用 or 紧货币+紧信用为目标状态。即 货币为政策的工具(为实现货币政策目标),信用为市场方向。当政策与市场同向,可以理解为政策工具即货币的调整使得市场达到想要的效果。

那么 宽货币+紧信用 and 紧货币+宽信用 即为达成货币政策目标的中间态。



宽货币:降准 降息 etc


  • 第十三届全国人大常委会将于2022年3月5日召开。
  • 全国政协十三届五次会议将于2022年3月4日召开。


  • 1. 2021回顾
  • 2. 社会经济发展总需求

Estimate: 稳中求进+高质量发展

  • 3. 今年经济社会发展总目标:
  1. 5.5%经济增长。按域不同
  2. 增加城镇就业,减少失业率
  3. 通胀目标3%
  4. 进出口平稳,国际收支平稳
  5. 居民收入增长 与 经济增长基本同步
  6. 粮食产量1.3万亿斤
  • 4. 今年工作重点:
  1. 加大宏观政策力度: 财政政策货币政策协调乏力。减税,扩大支出,基建投资,遏制隐形债务,防范金融风险,引导金融机构对小微企业、科技创新、绿色发展的支持。
  2. 深化改革:要素市场化、全面股票注册制、国企改革、电网铁路等自然垄断行业改革,强化反垄断。(牌照行业反垄断)
  3. 创新驱动:支持创新,为此增加基础研究投入、加大税收优惠政策、扩大设备投资、发展数字经济。
  4. 扩大内需和区域协调与新型城镇化:扩大家电汽车等大宗消费,扩大有效投资。新能源+大宗商品。住房改革etc
  5. 乡村振兴:粮食生产+粮食供给+高标准农田建设
  6. 扩大开放:对出口企业政策支持,减税降费。扩大开放,有效利用外资,共建一带一路。
  7. 绿色低碳:发展新能源环保产业。
  8. 防范化解金融风险
  9. 改善民生:医疗、教育、养老、就业。




土地出让金下行风险 – 房地产市场不景气


面临问题:需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱。1. 疫情冲击、需求减弱;2. 房地产投资负增及相关产业链不景气;3. 出口压力 国际压力。







An isoquant map where production output Q3 > Q2 > Q1. Typically inputs X and Y would refer to labour and capital respectively. More of input X, input Y, or both are required to move from isoquant Q1 to Q2, or from Q2 to Q3.

MRTS equals the slope of the Isoquant.

Difference with the Indifference Curve

Isoquant and indifference curves behave similarly, as they are all kinds of contour curves. The difference is that the Isoquant maps the output, but the indifference curve maps the utility.

In addition, the indifference curve describes only the preference of individuals but does not capture the exact value of utility. The preference is the relative desire for certain goods or services to others. However, the Isoquant can capture the exact number of production.

Shape of the Isoquant

The shape of the Isoquant depends on whether inputs are substitutions or complements.

Example of an isoquant map with two inputs that are perfect substitutes.
Example of an isoquant map with two inputs that are perfect complements.


As we always assume diminishing returns, so MRTS normally is declining. Thus, the Isoquant is convex to the origin.

However, if there is an increasing return of scale, or there is a negative elasticity of substitution ( as the ratio of input A to input B increases, the marginal product of A relative to B increases rather than decreases), then the Isoquant could be non-convex.

A nonconvex isoquant is prone to produce large and discontinuous changes in the price minimizing input mix in response to price changes. Consider for example the case where the isoquant is globally nonconvex, and the isocost curve is linear. In this case the minimum cost mix of inputs will be a corner solution, and include only one input (for example either input A or input B). The choice of which input to use will depend on the relative prices. At some critical price ratio, the optimum input mix will shift from all input A to all input B and vice versa in response to a small change in relative prices.


Learned from Wikipedia.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

A book was written by Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize of Economics winner in 2002.

  • This book introduces a fact that our brain is running with system 1 and system 2.

System 1 is also called the “automatic system”, which is controlled by our innate and automatic consciousness. System 2 is also called “effortful system”, which could be understood as the ability to actively control our common-sense – system 1. However, system 2 takes more working memory that is limited in our brain, so doing anything using system 2 would reduce your ability to think.

System 2 also monitor the suggestion of System 1, modifying and adjusting the direct conscious idea of System 1.

System 2 has limited capacity. Two aspects of effortful tasks are (1) difficulty of the question, and (2) thinking fast the get the results.

  • Pupils are sensitive indicators of mental efforts.

Pupils dilate substantially when people make two digits multiplication, and they dilate more this problem is harder. People, when engaged in a mental sprint, may become effectively blind.

  • Ego depletion refers to the idea that self-control or willpower draws upon a limited pool of mental resources that can be used up

System 2 has limits.

  • Self-control requires efforts and attentions. Or says, controlling thoughts and behaviours is one of the tasks that system 2 performs.

Remember system 2 has limits.

Activities that impose high demands on system 2 require self-control, and the exertion of self-control is depleting and unpleasant. After exerting self-control in one task, you do not feel like making an effort in another, although you could do it if you really had to.

Maintenance of a coherent train of thought and the occasional engagement in effortful thinking also requires self-control.

  • The nervous system consumes more glucose than most other parts of the body, and effortful mental activity appears to be especially expensive in the currency of glucose.