疫情留下的疤痕 – 高善文经济观察

  • 1. 疫情留下的疤痕
  • 2. 不一样的房地产泡沫
  • 3. 安全与发展:估值结构变化




存贷差 代表着households对收入的预期



$$ \frac{ \Delta (存款 – 贷款) }{一段时间内的收入_{存量}} $$

相当于 净贷款, Net Saving, 占收入的比例。存款科目上包括了它的储蓄存款,也包括了购买的货币基金,然后再扣减掉居民户出于购买房地产以及经营需要的话所获得的贷款。 ratio的 数值越大,相当于:净存款占一定期间收入的比例增大。如果净存款增加代表居民对安全的需求增加,那么此ratio说明了,在2022年居民对安全的需求急剧上升。


储蓄率,代表着households对收入的分配 Y – T = C + S; S = sY



这样的上升 一部分是因为部分的线下消费活动不可得,形成了被动的储蓄,另外一部分也可能来源于大家对未来收入的稳定性和可能性的信心下降,在这样的条件下,它需要有更多的储蓄。但是上面的蓝色的线是我们基于宏观的数据,基于宏观的国民收入,基于宏观的消费数据所反推出来的居民户部门的储蓄率。我们看到这两个数据有一定的差别,特别是在疫情以来,它们的走势的方向以及的水平应该说差别比较大,甚至是越来越大。





  • Key Takeaways:
  • 存贷差增加,体现出 households 预期 Y下降
  • Saving Rate增加,体现 households对consumption需求下降,savings增加。
  • 因此,consumptions因以上双重原因叠加,下降。
  • 也因此,预期未来的增长,下降(预期变化是最重要的acyclical factor)
  • 疤痕 消失 需要时间







在一定程度上,如果我们观察今年美国的储蓄率的变化,美国普通的住户部门储蓄率的变化。尽管美国也经历了非常大的疫情,但是今年以来的话,在美国住户部门的储蓄率的变动上,也看不到非常明显的疤痕效应。如果有很明显的疤痕效应,至少相对疫情之前相比,它的储蓄率应该更高。但是在我们所看到的数据之中,似乎在美国的住户部门,它的一个这个储蓄率相对于疫情之前可能还要更低一些,看不到明显的疤痕效应。而这样一个相对更低的saving rate,在一定程度上与美国经济数据的强劲以及通货膨胀压力之间的可能也是有一些关系的。

那么从易北河洪水的案例的研究来看,一个可能的原因也是在疫情肆虐的时候,美国政府针对住户提供的大量的补贴和转移支付,很好的保护了住户部门的财务状况,很好的保护了住户部门的心理上所受到的冲击,所以在疫情结束以后,他们的生活就迅速回到相对比较正常的状态。US Case,与德国洪水Case的政府政策弥补似乎得到一致的结果,政策支持帮助缓解疤痕。


  • Key Takeaway
  • 1. 疫情带来的疤痕效应,会在长期减少households对收入和消费倾向的预期。
  • 2. 疤痕效应在没有足够政策支持的情况下,会持续很长时间。





中国房地产容纳了too much wealth. If bubble collapses, both the market and the credibility sucks. Local Gov starts to stop people building houses in the rural area, which is equivalent to the gov enforces people buy rubbish apartments in ‘cities’, to stimulate demands and fill the financial gap for real estate firms. Extracting households’ wealth to save the financial burdens for firms and gov continues.








对于住户来讲,在投机性的购买过程之中所积累的房地产的持有,在房价下跌的过程之中,由于它同时持有大量的银行的债务,在这样的过程之中,它的住户部门的资产负债表就会受到很大的损害,而住户部门资产负债表受到的损害,在泡沫破裂的过程之中,也是需要花很长时间来修复的。加杠杆投资房地产时,QT带来资产价格下砸,asset price going down, but debts keep the same,=> 资产负债表恶化,equity缩水。




  • Key Takeaway:
  • 1. Housing Bubble 的累积 <-> 一定伴随着 异常的 房地产投资增加。与存货并无相关。
  • 2. Housing Bubble Collapses <-> 是房地产去库存的过程。在1阶段,房地产投资增加,带来supply增加,直到supply远大于demand,bubble collapse。
  • 3. 人口结构等因素会影响 房地产库存的供求。







国企 & 私企




假定存在两个区域发达(D)和不发达(UD),提供服务的成本统一为 c。但是问题在于发达地区人们的支付意愿比较高,能从这项服务里面获得 u_d 的效用,而不发达地区的人们支付意愿比较低,能从这项服务里面获得 u_{ud} 的效用(这里如果反过来假设服务成本有区别也是一样的)。假定每个区域都有1个消费者,那么当企业无法区别定价的时候,企业有两个选择,如果只服务发达地区,那么价格可以定为 u_d ,而如果两个地区都服务,那么价格就只能定为 u_{ud} 。

在第一种情况下,企业利润为 u_d -c ,在第二种情况下,企业利润为 2(u_{ud}-c) 。那么当 c>2u_{ud}-u_d 的时候,企业就会只服务发达地区。

但是企业没有考虑的是,如果两个地区都服务,可以促进两个地区共同的经济发展,假如这个长期收益为 \pi_l ,那么显然当 \pi_l 足够大,大到弥补因为服务欠发达地区而造成的利润损失 u_d+c-2u_{ud} 的时候,国家的利益就和企业的利益不一致了。

这个时候如果政府想让私企服务不发达地区,那么就需要提供一个补贴,让私企至少能够赚的和现在一样多。这个补贴就是 u_d+c-2u_{ud}。 也就是私企因为要服务不发达地区而少赚的钱。而因为国家本身不产生任何的财富,这个补贴必然是从税款里面出。

这个时候,私企如果坚持不服务不发达地区,其获得的是: u_d -c 。而如果私企服务不发达地区,其收入是 2(u_{ud}-c) + u_d+c-2u_{ud}=u_{d}-c 。两边收益相等,私企自然愿意服务不发达地区了。

这个时候,国家和企业共同创造的价值是 \pi_l + 2(u_{ud}-c) 。欠发达地区获得了服务,发达地区获得了相对较低的价格,消费者还能剩下 u_d – u_{ud} 。所以社会总剩余就是 u_d + u_{ud}-2c+\pi_l 

那么国企呢?国企直接被命令服务于这两个地区,其总利润是 2(u_{ud}-c) ,消费者剩余和上面一样,国家同样实现了长期收益,所以社会总剩余还是 u_d + u_{ud}-2c+\pi_l 。国企虽然不需要补贴,但是收入本来就降低了,依然相当于是隐形的补贴出去了。







比如说,在上面的例子里面,政府给私企的补贴,是要靠收税收上来的。那么收税需要人手,需要雇员,还需要查账。如果存在一个 λ ,国家每收上来1的税,其消耗的资源是 (1+λ) ,那么这个就是补贴私企的过程中所带来的额外损耗。但是强行命令国企去做亏本生意,则相当于补贴原地生效,就不存在上面这个问题。






假定有两个努力方向, 一个同时和绩效标准和真实效率有关,一个只和真实效率有关,但是和绩效考核标准关系不大。那么显然管理者就更容易只对着和绩效相关的地方去努力。









Credibility Affects How the Market Reacts

Preliminary: 货币政策 & 财政政策宽松,刺激经济短期,带来短期需求增加。M2 increases results in CPI increases. 但是:

  • 1. 长期随着价格水平增加,output会回到 Y^*.
  • 2. Inflation is nothing but a monetary phenomenon. Too much money chases too few goods and services, and then there would be inflation. 当货币超发,中期, Goods & Services的增加不足以匹配超发的货币时,通胀就产生了。
  • P.S. 中期与否,取决于市场对资金的需求。Unrealistic Case 1:若为长期,人们仍然预期,未来的goods n services足以匹配过多的money,可能也不会带来Price Level的增加(“Technological Growth” Case)。Unrealistic Case 2:也可能短期,甚至超短期,Private Sectors 嫉妒悲观,不相信任何public sector’s credibility,不吸纳任何money,不用任何moeny去买goods & service,哪怕有helicopter drops。那么此时,print money means create inflation directly,印钱会在超短期就带来通胀!

Based on the previous assumption: One factor that affects how the market reacts to QE is the Credibility of the Public Section.

Where the Credibility comes from? It’s from the Stability of a State, People’s expectations about future development, Demographic Structure, Gov’s Leverage Rate and Implicit Leverage rate, and so on. Because the Public sector can do Ponzi, and renew their debts indefinitely.

After Inflation

We assume that the public sector is credible and would not default, and the stability and social structures are still healthy. Then, QE result in too much money chasing too few goods & services, and inflation emerges.

After the inflation, how do people react?

  • 1. Pour money into the Heavy-capitalised assets, such as real estate and ‘equity’ shares. Then Asset Price increases to absorb extra money. The advantage is that goods and services (necessities) might not appreciate a lot. The disadvantage is that asset price increase is still not a healthy phenomenon, and systematic troubles accumulate because the bubble collapses one day. If the Bubble Collapses, the CB must reduce liquidity (money). Let’s move case 2 then.
  • 2. QT. However, QT might be too dangerous, because high financial costs would increase financial burdens for highly leveraged households and firms. Defaults and Disposal Sales increase. Asset’s price slips. The current financial markets are highly securitised and synthetic. A decrease in core assets would result in a series of dangerous chain reactions. Potential Systematic Risks come true.
  • 3. Technological Growth brings extra demands or something else, to absorb extra money.
  • 3. However, Technological Growth might be ambiguous, and is highly unlikely to happen, at least in the current situation. It is only a potential solution and is less likely to happen.
  • If case 3 not working, we have to move back to case 2.
  • Withdraw Liquidity (money), and kill inflation. Asset Prices, such as housing prices and stock prices, evaporate. In this case, necessities’ prices are less likely to be affected because they are rigid. Housing Price is a large component of the CPI basket, reducing the price of assets might be a possibility to reduce inflation. However, the gov might choose to keep a relatively sustainable and stable recession by maintaining the housing price. House has a special function, living. So, killing the equity market, in which stock prices are not that directly linked with household living, might be the best choice for the gov.

The first case might be more effective because problems are left to future generations.


Not in the same economic cycle as the U.S. market. There could be a reverse in the short term and even in the mid-term because the pandemic policies are forced to be stopped. However, I don’t have a positive expectation toward the market in the long run for mainly two reasons. 1. leverage increase in the local government. 2. credibility decreases. Those two reasons interact to make the problem even more severe.

Thinking about ML

Learning from Deep Learning from Scratch. Let’s me share some thinking and ideas.

  • 1. Neural Network, multi-layer affine and activation function work great with non-linear transformation. Results are boosted to higher dimension.
  • 2. The combination between NN and loss minimisation make backward propagation applicable. Each little step of movements are the result of previous scholars’ research. That makes me feel closely how technologies and theories are developed, and how well statistics and mathematics are applied.
  • 3. Theories are inherited from previous research. Every year and every month, there are researchers from different countries, from different institutions, universities or high-tech firms, publish brilliant papers that are highly shocked and astonishing to further development.
  • 4. The current development of CS or ML are really top-notch and inspiring. Hardware, CPU & GPU & Cloud provide speedy efficiency of calculation, linear algebra works well on the Computer ; algorithms are innovative and update vastly. Hardware and Software together improve the ability of prediction.
  • 5. Although good for predicting, Deep Learning algorithms, NN, is still a Black Box, which means one could not explain the reason of getting the result. The bridge between Input <-> Output are weights, and weights are explained by backward propagation. However, is that pattern true? Is that a Correlation or Causality?


IMF Blog: Policymakers Need Steady Hand as Storm Clouds Gather Over Global Economy, by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, illustrated recent facts and economic data. Here is a brief presentation.

The world economic slowdown continues, Growth forecast in China is adjusted downward to 4.4% due to the weakening property sector and continued lockdowns by IMF.


Rapidly rising prices, especially of food and the economy are causing serious hardship for households.

Inflation in China seems not that obvious, and the biggest problem, instead, is the slag of econ growth. Fortunately, wages are not increasing that much in most of the world economies. The hyperinflation raised from spikes in prices and wages is under control.

FOMC’s schedule of interest rate increases is expected to slow down, 50bp, in December.

The Chinese government is conducting loosening fiscal policy, stimulating the aggregate demand in part, and increasing the fiscal spending on infrastructure across countries through local financing platforms. The balance sheet is enlarging government leverage rate increases. The strong government is trying to raise confidence in individuals. However, monetary policy is limited due to the QT in the U.S. The exchange rate would be largely damaged if there were CB QE.

Energy Price

Food prices and energy prices surge to a high level and are expected to keep high as IMF expected.

OPEC decreases crude oil supply by 2 million barrer per day. IEA reported that US, as the target of global economic policy, released 15 million barrel of strategic crude oil reserve. US strategic crude oil reserve is about 401 million barrel.

OPEC和US对于石油价格博弈可能要追溯到2020年前,美国页岩油技术在2020年油价暴跌大背景下开始难以盈利。wait for further study.

Strong USD

The strength of USD is a major challenge for many emerging market.

The appropriate response in most emerging and developing countries is to calibrate monetary policy to maintain price stability, while letting exchange rates adjust, conserving valuable foreign exchange reserves for when financial conditions really worsen.

In the tradeoff between the economic growth and the inflation, inflation seems become a piori target. The economy still has a bottom support, rigid demands such as foods, energy, accommodations etc. However, inflation is linked with the nomial term and could be even worsen off.

Diamond and Rajan’s Study about Financial Crisis 2008

The authors noted the financial crisis of 2008 was caused by mainly three reasons.

  1. U.S. financial sectors misallocated resources to real estate.
  2. Commercial and Investment banks had a large proportion of their instruments in their Balance Sheet.
  3. Investments were largely financed with short-term debts.

The following will illustrate why those facts happen.

1. Misallocation of Investment

Step 1. World Crisis pushed up risks.

The financial crisis in emerging markets, East Asia Econ Collapsed, `Russia Defaulted, South America, etc made investors circumspect.

Step 2. Capital Controls made CA surplus.

To react to those unexpected events and prevent domestic industries from the incumbents, governments started to conduct capital controls. Also, investors were unwilling to invest (they cut down investments and even consumptions) or charge a high-level risk premium. A number of countries became net exporters.

Step 3. “dot-com” bubble derived another global crisis.

Those exporters then had a current accounts surplus and transferred the CA surplus into “savings” (investment). Those savings were invested into the high-return business, the IT industry. However, another nightmare happened that is the “dot-com” bubble collapsed around the 2000s.

Step 4. CB QE and US financial innovations made a housing bubble

Central Banks QE, lowered the interest rate, which ignited demand for housing. The house price spiked. In the U.S., financial innovation (securitization) drew more marginal-credit-quality buyers into the market. The crisis manifested itself.

Step 5. Asymmetric information enforced the bubble.

Because rating agencies were at a distance from the homeowner, they could process only hard information. Asymmetric information enforced the bubble. Housing prices surged to prevent “default”.

Step 6. Securitization Iterate itself.

The slicing and dicing through repeated securitization of the original package of mortgages created very complicated securities. The problems in valuing these securities were not obvious when house prices were rising and defaults were few.

But as the house prices stopped rising and defaults started increasing, the valuation of these securities became very complicated.

2. Why Did Bank hold those instruments?

The key answer is bankers thought those securities were worthwhile investments, despite their risks. Risks were vague and unable to be evaluated.

it is very hard, especially in the case of new products, to tell whether a financial manager is generating true excess returns adjusting for risk, or whether the current returns are simply compensation for a risk that has not yet shown itself but that will eventually materialize.

Several facts manifested the problem.

  • 1. Incentive at the Top

CEOs’ performance is evaluated based in part on the earnings they generate relative to their peers. Peer Pressure, which came from holding financial instruments to increase returns, mutually increased the willingness to hold those financial instruments.

  • 2. Flawed Internal Compensation and Control

The top management wants to maximise the long-term bank value and goals. However, many compensation schemes are paid for short-term risk-adjusted performance. The divergency gave managers an incentive to take risks in the short term.

It is not said that the Risk management team is unaware of such incentives. However, they may be unable to fully control them, because tail risks, by the nature, are hard to quantify before they occur.

  • 3. Short-term Debt

Given the complexity of bank risk-taking, and the potential breakdown in internal control processes, investors would have demanded a very high premium for financing the bank long term. By contrast, they would have been far more willing to hold short-term claims on the bank, since that would give them the option to exit — or get a higher premium — if the bank appeared to be getting into trouble.

In good times, short-term debt seems relatively cheap compared to long-term capital and the costs of illiquidity remote. Markets seem to favor a bank capital structure that is heavy on short-term leverage. In bad times, though, the costs of illiquidity seem to be more salient, while risk-averse (and burnt) bankers are unlikely to take on excessive risk. The markets then encourage a capital structure that is heavy on capital.

  • 4. The Crisis Unfolds

Housing Price decreased, => MBS fall in value and becaome hard to price. Balance sheet destorted, and debt level held, and equity shrinked.

Every parties sold out, drived price down again and again.

Panic (no confidence) spreaded worldwide.

Interbank lendings were forzen as inadequate credits.

  • 5. The `Credit Crunch

Banks were reluctant to lend due to two reasons. One possibility is that they worry about borrower credit risks. A second is that they may worry about having enough liquidity of their own, if their creditor demands funds.

  • Dealing with the Crunch

Banks still fear threats from illiquidity. Illiquid assets still compose significant portions of banks and non-banl balance sheets. The price of those illiquid assets fluctuated largely, because liquidty asset could be easily exchanged or sold out for cash, but illiquid assets were unable to do so so that price shrinked and damaged the balance sheet. Debts held constant, but assets shrinked, resulting in shrinkage of equity, and increase in leverage and financial burden.

Coins have two sides. Low prices mean not only insolvent, but also tremendous buying opportunity. The pandic manified the expectation of insolvency, plus illiquid market condition made the fact that less money was availab to buy at the price. Selling iterated itself.

CB standed out, provided liquidty to financial institutes.

However, an interesting thing happened. CB’s intervention to lend against all manner of collateral may not be a unmitigated bless, because it may allow weak entities to continue holding illiquid assets.

Possible ways to reduce the overhand

1. Authorities offer to buy illiquid assets through auctions. `This can reverse a freeze in the market caused by distressed entities. Fair value from the aution can be higher than the prevailing market price. 2. government ensures the stability of financial system that holds illiquid assets through the recapitalization of entities that have a realistic possibility of survival. (我国,纳入国有).


Diamond, Douglas W. and Rajan, Raghuram G., The Credit Crisis: Conjectures About Causes and Remedies (February 2009). NBER Working Paper No. w14739, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1347262

Unemployment Data in the U.S. Labour Market

The statistical data of unemployment rate released last week. 3.5% in September 2022, another lowest level even in history.

The U.S. economy is encountering still hgih level of inflation. To fight the inflation, one of the target of the Fed, the Federal Fund Rate has already been increase to about 3% to 3.25% in order to slow down the economy. However, the unemployment data shows the economy is seemingly continuously heating.

There several reasons explain the over-heated labour market.

  1. Individuals have already overcome the pandemic, and the consumption, especially service, are in high demands. There is even an overshooting of demands for labours.
  2. Many people leave the labour market, and are classified as distressed workers who are not included in the calculation of unemployment rate.
  3. Immigrant policy have changed since the Trump. To increase the employment rate for those “domestic” U.S. citizens, the immigrant policy has been not that friendly. Less low-cost labours inputed into the U.S. economy drives a gap of workers.

The low unemployment rate provides the Fed another inspiration of QT.

After QE

Why QE ?

By QE, the Fed increased the money supply to stimulate the aggregate demand in 2020 and 2021.

$$ Y=C+I+G+NX $$

By QE, more money were dumped into the economy. Two mainly used methods are (1) helicopter drops, and (2) banks/firms repo and CB reverse repo.

What happens after QE ?

  • 1. Individuals got the more money in hands (mainly from Helicopter Drops in 2020) — Consumption increased. In the U.S., people who had SSN and were taxed a year before a certain time point were assured an opportunity of helicopter drops. Those money were highly likely ( and it really is) to transform to real demands in the market, because of the consumption habit in the U.S.

The Fed printed extra money and dumped into the economy. People spent those extra money to buy goods and service. Less Goods and Services were produced domestically in the U.S., while most of them were imported from Mexico, India, Russia, China, Mideast, etc. That is what I discussed before. The U.S. printed money (, which are worthless), and use “nothing” to reap goods and services from all over the world.

The above is one fact. Another is that there are still too much of money in the economy. Too much money chased too little goods. Like Milton Fridman said “Inflation is nothing but a monetary phenomenon”. There were no enough outputs (aggregate supply) to meet the increase in aggregate demand resulted from QE, then inflation surged.

  • 2. Increase in supply of money dragged the interest rate down and thus reduced the financial cost for firms. Investment increased. This case is a bit different. In China, the CB conducted also QE to stimulate the economy especially in the current situation. However, the CB’s conduction is mainly through the Banking System. In this case, money are mainly poured into firms through loans not to individuals. Individuals are hardly able to get low-cost money because on the one hand them may not have enough pledges, and on the other hand people are fear to invest in the real estate, coz the real estate bubbles are in the edge of collapse although the gov is trying to keep the mkt stable.

Pros and Cons are there. Advantages are (1) firms that got the low-cost money are most likely state owned firms. In this case, there are “relative high probability” of safety. (2) firms encounter low financial cost and could have direct impact on infrastructures. Disadvantages are also that (1) money could not be directly given to individuals, no real happiness or utility increase for those family. Family based businesses are still suffering the plunges in demands and undergo bankruptcy. (2) too much money chase too little high-quality assets that can have potential positive expected return or payoffs. Money circulates in the economy, and costs circulates as well to increase. On the one hand there is low efficiency, on the other hand extra money does not contribute to stimulate the economy. Financial System discoodinates.

近期经济观察 – FX rate

USD keeps appreciated after the release of interest rate increase by FOMC on Wednesday last week. The serious attitude from the Fed made the markets adjust their expectation for the interest rate level at the end of this year to be around 4.00% – 4.50% (previous expectation is around 4%). The increase of expectation turned down the equity market in a large percentage.

FX rate becomes also dramatic. The most recent available US dollar index went to be 125 on 16th September 2022. The data after the FOMC will be released this week, and let’s see how the meeting affects the US dollar Index last week.

Clearly, the increase of the USD index is caused by the increase in the US interest rate. USD appreciated are due to not only investors are chasing higher interest rate gains in the US, but also the liquidity gap in USD.

In one of my previous study, I discussed that the Fed keeps QE and QT during the economic cycles to squeeze resources and capitals from all over the world. That results in the magic economic phenomenon in the US currently that high inflation from previous QE and helicopter drops, high interest rate from the Fed, and still very low level of unemployment rate.

  • Could the inflation and high interest rate continue? Maybe Yes.
  • Could the low unemployment rate continue? Maybe No.

China is facing a problem in the domestic market. The gov and CB are struggling with the domestic economy and the foreign exchange. The real estate market seems more vulnerable and more volatile so that CB scarifies the relatively constant FX target, to still hold a low level of interest rate to stimulate investment and domestic mkt.

However, we seem cannot get an obvious react in the short run, the fundamentals still have none improvement. The non-optimistic economic environment reinforces the depreciation of CNY, as I discussed in previous blogs that the growth and prosperity of an economy is another important aspect affecting the FX rate.

Based on above illustrations, I may expect that USD would keep appreciating. Also, the appreciation seems won’t stop if there is not a clear indication of changes in the Fed’s Policy. However, USD appreciation drives capital flowing to the US market, and that is clearly not what every sovereign countries want, because the capital accumulation is moving the US. How could the progress stop? What can we do?