华商 高兵 经济研判











A Review of Sri Lanka’s Difficulty

The pandemic damaged the international trading business. Sri Lanka is for its Tea (Ceylon), which accounts for about 10% of its total export, and textile and fabric products’ exports account for more than 40% of its total export. Export takes also a huge amount of total national income, though net export keeps negative over years. The country is highly vulnerable to changes in international business and policies. The Pandemic resulted in unprecedented damages to the whole economy. A brief path is shown in the following.

  1. Pandemic blocked Export. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia increased the commodity price, which was highly reliable for Sri Lanka. Therefore, export decreased by decreasing quantity and import increased by increasing price, so the gap enlarged.
  2. A falling down in Net Export made GDP decrease and Foreign Exchange Reserve Decrease.
  3. Travelling industry was also blocked. National income from travelling decreased from more than 4 billion dollar to about 0.5 billion dollar.
  4. Without enough Foreign Exchange Reserves, the FX rate became uncontrollable. LKR kept decreasing, and the government could not do a lot, because there is no space to buying back LKR.

In sum, the sources of national income is so simple that is easy to be affected by negative impulses.

In addition, changes in fiscal policy, tax cutting, in 2019 made the government unaffordable to government spending. The gov had to print money, which resulted in inflation and no real term increase. The fiscal policy negatively enhanced the difficulty of Sri Lanka.

What could individuals do in the recession.


After Annual Jackson Hole

The macroeconomy is significantly reflected by the Fed, the president of Fed, CB of each country, etc. The impacts on the economy are from two parts, one is the real policy implemented, the other is the sentiments (including the expectation of policy implementation.

In the most recently Jackson Hole ended two days ago, on Friday last week 26th Aug, Powell, who is the chair of Fed, showed his forceful attitude toward inflations. His speech disclosed that inflation is still in a high level, and not a place to stop or pause.

Personal Consumption Expenditure data is about 6.3%. Although PCE is less than in March, it’s still in a very high level.

The market reacted to the speech in Jackson Hole by a significant decrease, and also Bitcoin price, as a leading factor of market sentiment, dropped about 5% to less than 2k dollar. The market would definitely have reaction based on expectation. Personally, I am not optimistic toward the world Econ. Since the beginning of 2020, helicopter drops resulted in the unprecedented growth in the US market, the QT right now would force the market go back to the beginning adjusted with fundamental growth. Let’s see what would happen in the following months.

Powell insisted that the Fed will keep the 2% inflation target, coz high inflation rate would be harmful especially to the middle class and the poor. Therefore, he stated the Fed would keep QT and rise interest rate, and another 75 basis point increase in interest rate could possibly happens depending on the macro and statistical data.

My idea is coincidentally compatible with Powell’s. Although the market has foreseen the turning point of the inflation, the inflation rate is still in an extreme high level.

The market seemingly is pricing in the expectation that inflation would be about 4% by the end of this year. `Investing in Energy and Metal Commodity might still be a good choice.

China is facing a completely different problem. Low demands and high savings damage the economic growth, and the gov still choose to stimulate the Econ through the Real Estate, which is an ineffective way in my view. Chinese gov is lower the the long-term LPR, in order to rise mortgage loan and long-term investment loan, which could boost the econ growth in long term. However, the contradiction of monetary policy between US and CN is extracting the magnitude of our monetary policy. Starting to figure out a way to boost demand and keep developing high-barrier high tech industry seems a better path.




  1. 显而易见的是,向美方提供的审计底稿中仍不可能存在过多敏感数据,参考滴滴美股的情况,敏感数据涉及国家主权信息安全问题。
  2. 退市风险虽然有所降低,但是基本面风险仍在。所谓基本面风险存在于几个方面:预期年底疫情政策放开会带来市场向好,但是 1. 大宏观角度国内经济情况并未得到好转。监管和上级仍在通过刺激房地产市场,刺激房子需求拉动整条庞大的房地产相关产业链发展,而刺激经济。此举在我看来并不健康。我国目前的人口结构决定了对房地产需求的长期下降,一线城市核心地段尚有需求,但其他城市不乐观,即使政策放宽可以进行一地一政,但是也并不能改变整体人口下降带来的房地产需求降低。刺激房地产显然不是长久之计,房地产相关放宽的政策出台让我愈加堪忧国内经济发展是否可持续。(人口和房地产问题会在后续blog中讨论)。2. 对互联网企业监管尚宽松,预期未来收紧(时间可能较长)。互联网企业仍依靠市场壁垒处于垄断低位,国内前段时间鼓吹的平台经济帮助互联网企业榨干消费者利益。美国前些时间出台的 抗通胀法案 The American Innovation and Choice Online Act 已经出台,对高科技公司 prohibit dominant tech platform 的效果会逐渐体现。我国相关立法大概率会借鉴,只是时间问题。相关法律的出台定会再次削减中概股企业利润。


但是我国由于历史累计问题,尚有漫长的路要走。截至2021年7亿人月收入不足2000元;截至2019年,本科以上学历人占4%+,虽然教育degree并不能决定人的水平,尤其是通过高考选拔的教育体系背景下。但是文化及资本累计的基本背景使得贫富差距难以在短时间解决。那么高收入吸引高端人才就业于国内的模式就难以在我国进行(贫富差距过大会带来社会稳定问题 Core Consideration)。综上,在人口红利退去的时代,经济发展需要人才及创新技术支撑,我国吸引力待商榷,未来经济发展难。


Global Market

The world economy has changed a lot since March when the Fed start to control the Inflation rate by increasing the federal fund rate, 4 times already.

The Global Market: The 4th FOMC meeting ended with a 75 bp FFR increase.

The disclosure of several giant firms’ interim statements helped recover the confidence in the US market. Powell states that the economy is not in a recession, and inflation did decrease to a certain extent, so the tight monetary policy did achieve a bit. The US market is at a high FFR rate level already, and the Inflation data start to go down, with the downward movement of crude oil prices. Therefore, the market started to expect a mild movement in the short future.

The foreign market underwent also some “magic” movement. Due to the hike in the US interest rate, money and capital flowed to the US market, appreciating the USD relative to other currencies. EURO went down to even close to one to one, w.r.t. USD. GBP and CNY depreciated to a large degree as well.


此前提到,在Fed加息进程中,各国央行货币政策的独立性收到了压缩。与Fed背道而驰意味着,美国高利率会吸引capital/money向美国外流,从而使domestic country的资本被US榨取。

我国强外汇管制一定程度上削弱了Fed加息,对中国CB独立性的冲击。但是自2022年4月经济情况大幅衰弱,市场预期因上海疫情爆发达到极低点。当时我国CB为了刺激经济,降息放水,通过地方财政债务增加,为地方政府提杠杆(隐形&&||显性),以刺激我国经济。当时我国CB的操作明显与Fed背道而驰,在USD dominates的市场情况下,此番操作显然会导致资本外逃。因此我国CB的monetary policy空间有限。

8月中旬,7月份经济数据公布,其中包括社融数据。社融数据大幅低于预期,同比环比皆显著低。主要因我国CB的刺激政策在6月底经济预期反弹后逐渐退出。同时,各大金融机构半年指标周期结束,银行大幅放款的进程周期性结束。总的来说,7月数据显著低于预期是因为:原因一,社融数据于是6月底社融达到高点,银行向企业放款的能力达到一定极限,因此至9月均难以有显著改善(但11月/12月年底指标仍需达成,所以年底仍有数据增加的空间);原因二,政策刺激退出。政策刺激的推出是为了保证1. 我国CB货币政策还有一定的空间,2. 防止市场bubble。

目前真实市场情况,小微企业及小微经营主体接连倒闭,CB带来的流动性仍然无法有效投入到民营企业中(央企国企的确显著获得了流动性支持)。经济内循环难以有效建立,主要因为aggregate demand难以得到刺激。昨日8.15,CB开始再次通过货币刺激市场流动性,开始降MLF。

Chinese Econ is running into trouble, a bit pessimistic. There seems a systematic and structural problem that low aggregate demands in the market.

Key Takeaway:

  • Aggregate demand behaviours are acyclical, affecting inflation, and thus the policy makers’ target.
  • Chinese Market move behind the expectation, or I would say in other ways. Prob 1: The market has been generating wrong expectations and not quickly adjusting. Prob 2: In a relatively stable market, Institutional Players herd to manipulate prices to a certain degree.
  • I guess the market has recognised that if there are no effectively systematical changes, the market won’t get better in the long run.
  • 双循环中,内循环仍不畅通,可能原因1.早年间供给侧改革并无法刺激消费者的消费观念;2.经济理论角度,收入及预期低,无法带来消费。进出口拉动国内经济。
  • 国内多重风险,经济,国际间关系,包括社会(政治人物社会发言张某等)等为社会稳定带来负面影响。

Facts about Commodity Prices

Price cycles are highly synchronized across commodities

Energy, Metal, are Previous Metals are generally more volatile to global macro factors, while Agricultures and fertilisers are relatively stable.

In a word, commodity prices are highly correlated.

The commodity prices of some highly volatile commodities such as energy, metal, and precious metals are more likely to move in a similar way. For example, the increase in the crude oil price pushed up other commodities’ prices (inflation, or price level, is going higher as well, because the crude oil affects a large range of industries).

Global macroeconomic shocks have become the main source of commodity price volatility

Since 1996, global demand shocks have accounted for 50% of the variance of global commodity price growth, while global supply shocks accounted for about 20%.

We note that there are no obvious huge supply shocks after 1996. The market experienced the dot com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, and the Covid pandemic.

Data shows that between 1970 and 1996, supply shocks dominate. During that period, the global market was exposed to the Oil Crisis in the 1970s.

In the current world, we may consider the Ukrian Russia Crisis causes a supply shock of energy commodities. Also, the de-globalisation process, trade protectionism, and increasing focus of sovereigns on metal resources are decreasing the supply and harming global transactions of those commodities.

The macroeconomic condition affects the commodity price in a significant way.

Global recessions have been accompanied by demand weakness and supply disruptions

In the recession, with demand weakness and supply disruption, the impacts on commodities may offset each over, but undoubtedly there is a decrease in the quantity needed and supplied. In 2020, these were offset by supply pressures resulting from widespread supply chain disruptions (in early 2020). Decrease in demand and disruption in supply offset their effects on the commodity price.

However, the price could definitely be volatile, and the effects would largely depend on whether the demand shock or the supply shock dominate. During global recessions, demand pressures on commodity prices were compounded by supply pressures specific to commodity markets (1975, 1991, 2020 late)

The recovery of commodity prices after recessions has been driven by an unwinding of supply or commodity market shocks and, since early 2000, also by rebounds in demand. Consistent with this, the surge in commodity prices in 2020-21 can be explained by a strong resurgence of demand, combined with unusually widespread supply bottlenecks.

The Monetary Factors are also needed to be taken into consideration. With more liquidity in the market, money would be used to chase those goods that are less likely to lose their value.

In The Recently World

Months before, the Ukraine-Russia war causes sanctions on crude oil and natural gas export from Russia, blocking the supply of those commodities to the EU. However, Europe is recovering from the pandemic, and thus has rigid demand for them. In the meantime, Quantity Easing by the U.S. release extra money into the market and push up the commodity price even further. Commodity prices went up.

Currently, the Fed announces that it will fight the inflation rate back to the 2% target, and thus increases the federal reserve rate with a schedule. Fed causes the panic of getting into recession. With that pessimism expectation, demand is expected to fall and commodity prices would fall.





  • Smiling Curve,附加值越大(可替代性越弱)则market power越大,定价能力越大 ==> 利润越大。于是Smiling Curve形成。
  1. 上游勘探开采,类似VC,高风险,高开采勘探难度 <=> 高收益。
  2. 中游可替代性弱,利润低。
  3. 下游,用中间产品生产产成品,大量技术科技附件,专利成本累计等带来相对高不可替代性 ==> 高利润 (取决于产品是否有不可替代性)。
  • 上游
  1. 供应链角度:此前疫情原因矿山停产(or if 上游价低导致上游停产后造成的供不应求endogenous原因)导致上游产能受exogenous factor影响而降低,供给减少。上游原材料价格上升。P.S. 双碳导致国内矿山开采减少,大多向海外开新矿产资源,成本风险高(部分压缩上游利润,部分把价格高传导至中游下游)
  2. 国际经济情况同时对上游有直接影响。如:放水or高不确定性orCompetitive Goods(crude oil) price上升等因素带来的commodity price提升会传导至上游有色金属原材料价格 through e.g. imports。因为中国对大多有色金属矿为净进口e.g. lithium
  3. 还需考虑国际进出口限制,关税,国别风险等
  4. 附加值角度见上:游勘探开采,类似VC,高风险,高开采勘探难度 <=> 高收益。
  5. P.S. Why上游高收益。前期勘探等成本虽大,但是勘探后项目落成后,勘探的成本会归于Fixed Assets or COGS中。矿山开采时,成本仅为员工费&设备使用等,也就意味着开采时成本较低且较固定(COGS+D&A为固定成本,人员燃料等为可变成本占比较小),此时早期勘探的成本会分摊or摊销到COGS+exp中。进入开采阶段时,如果Price提升,那么Gross Profit大,因为rev大,cogs(开采成本小)。Gross Profit – Dep&Amot (包含勘探成本)得到的金额相对调回。但是实际上,Dep&Amot支出并非当期cash outflow,所以当矿山进入开采阶段后,gross profit会显著增大。
  • 中游
  1. 冶炼or加工,产品附加值小。中游难以拥有议价能力,上游价格提升会使中游利润进一步压缩。
  2. 中游议价能力低导致受上游挤压,同时受下游挤压。
  3. 较上游,矿山勘探等周期30-36months,而中游建厂到生产仅需要10-12months。这导致了1.上下来供应链错配,导致了有色行业的周期性。2. 中游可替代性低,entrants in, and imcumbants earn less=>利润低。
  • 下游
  1. 下游企业受制于市场,price rigidity导致价格弹性相对小,因为下游终端消费者价格敏感。导致企业不敢随意加价。
  2. 同时下游存在直接与消费者的供需关系,考虑industrial organisation,考虑消费意愿下降(中国存款结构,历史文化原因)。
  3. 品牌、服务、技术带来的不可替代性带来溢价。

P.S. Industrial Organisation all the way

  • Trafigura模式。交易商


$$ROE=Profit Rate \times Assets Turnovers \times Leverage$$

  1. 因为模式为trading,所以难以避免高成本高收入仅赚流转费用,=> Profit Rate低。
  2. 但是Assets Turnover大,因为交易量大
  3. Leverage大,


2大的基础在于规模大,3大的基础在于与银行保持好的关系 && 有足够的流动资产来帮助企业提高评级获得银行带来的更多流动资金需求。




  • Way 1: Through Price

Domestric country Foreign country两国。F对D为净进口,降低关税意味着进口商品价格降低,=> CPI降低 (通胀降低)。其中进口商品价格下降会带动:1. 最终消费品价格下降,2. 中间品价格下降,3. Competitive Goods价格下降(此部分的影响占大多)。

同时根据Law of One Price,

$$ForeignCurrency = Domestic Currency \times Exchange Rate$$

因CPI of F降低,LHS降低,而Domestic Currency不变,导致Exchange Rate降低,降低比例与Foreign Currency降低比率相同。

  • Way 2: Through Quantity

F买D价格降低,对D进口需求增加,无论支付Foreign Currency还是Domestic Currency都会带来Foreign Currency供给增加or Domestic Currency需求增加,==> Foreign Currency Depreciates & Domestic Currency Appreciates